
  1. P

    Bug I found a bug in DBSEO.

    hello, I am again I found a bug in DBSEO. if you click on "preview post" and then click on the header image or home button, a white page will appear. it is a false url, see screenshot number 3. This is also the case with PMs Screen: https://i.imgur.com/phfuWrr.png Regards
  2. scottct1

    Bug Getting an Error

    Since installing yesterday I am getting this error showing up in my logs. It only happens randomly when you go to the URL Notable Members | SatelliteGuys.US Thanks, Scott Server Error Log Error Info ErrorException: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given -...
  3. scottct1

    Question CONFIG.PHP Question

    Question, Before adding DB Optimize to my site I had the following in my config.php file. The info there is as follows: $config['cache'] = array( 'enabled' => true, 'frontend' => 'Core', 'frontendOptions' => array( 'caching' => true...
  4. M

    Bug Thanked users not showing up in Internet Explorer

    Hi there Normally if you click on the number of thanks, you get a popup with the user who thanked. This works great in Chrome and Firefox. For the Internet Explorer you have this: //If this is IE9, IE10, or IE11 -- we also need to work around the deliberate attempt to break "is IE" logic by...
  5. B

    Bug Errors in admincp

    When i try add new user in my admincp i get this errors and blank page: dayregistered on line 1842 in /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php #0 /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php(1913): VBACTIVITY::check_feature('achievement'...
  6. B

    Bug Get those error in adminCP

    Hello Get those errors when i tried "give out new award" wrote username - datum - points - 1000 and some text in reason box - click on save and get this dayregistered on line 1842 in /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php #0...