
  1. Replicators

    Question website.com/forum <-> website.com/forumon conflict

    I want to have all my areas as the words after the sites address, but for some reason forum and forumon conflict, only one of those will work while the other leads to a blank page, is there a way around this issue?
  2. M

    Bug DBSEO Generate Sitemap Scheduled Task not running

    Hi Guys, Having problems with my DragonByte Tech: SEO - Generate XML Sitemap scheduled task. I can manually build the sitemaps and they work without error. When generating them from the weekly scheduled task nothing is output. I'm on DBSEO version: 1.0.7 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. pcam

    Bug Typo found in admincp DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Rotating Banner Settings

    Typo found in admincp DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Rotating Banner Settings Show Rotating Banners? With this option you can show a rotating banner on the main donate page. All the banners should be of the same size to avoid page jumping due to resizing. You should have as many banners as you...
  4. J

    Question help for configuration needed please

    Hi, today I bought a lifetime licence to replace my AWC system by vBDonate. However I am not sure if I was too fast to buy...as I don't really get along with vBDonate yet. Hope somebody can help me to get clarity. Below is what I had before with AWC (unfortunately with each upgrade of VB...
  5. K

    Question [DragonByte-Tech] DragonByte SEO PRO Plugin Issues

    [DragonByte-Tech] DragonByte SEO PRO Plugin Issues my sitemap http://www.domainkaforum.com/dbseositemap.php isnt getting indexed by bing. whats the problem? also the addthis.com plugin isnt displaying properly on my forum when i put my pro account login details into it in the back...
  6. R

    Bug WOW, tons of issues with this app...

    I will start with this. URL missing blank page appears after user submits (sometimes) No matter what everyone can approve their own reviews automatically even if its set to not approve automatically url not loading is the message. custom fields do not work, if you fill them out the review...
  7. Replicators


    I say VBCinema because i respect vbtube as a product, however the dev has pretty much stopped working on it and there is so much more he can do with it. He may have real life issues, and i have suggested to him several times to sell his work or something to continue with the product if he is...
  8. T

    Question New Posts

    When you click on "New Posts" on the forum tab and then see all the new posts since you're last visit or last refresh. when you click on the far right >> to go to the last post in a thread it takes you to an entirley different thread.
  9. S

    Bug Posting Probems with DBSEO enabled

    When posting a reply to a thread, where the content of the reply includes an URL, ex. www.domain.com , the poster is either asked to verify that they either want to leave the page or stay on the page. When I turn off DBSEO the problem goes away. Please advise seaweed
  10. bzcomputers

    Question A couple forum url rewrite questions...

    I have a company that will appear occasionally and it's name is "A-Rosa". Currently if it's name occurs in a thread title (since I have "a" as a stop word) it will look like this: Example 1 Thread Title: A-Rosa Opens New Office http://www.mysitename.com/forum/rosa-opens-new-office-a-123/...
  11. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue with vbDownloads rewrites...

    The following is in reference to vBDownloads rewrites: 1) I've noticed that some download page url rewrites contain a "-a" while others don't. Why do half of my rewrites contain it and half don't? (I see this by looking at the .xml produced for the downloads) 2) Rewrites are currently not...
  12. R

    Question questions and custom fields for different categories

    Nevermind I figured out how to get what I wanted it to do, I wish there was a better way to get answers....
  13. GuiltyNL

    Infopanels customizable?

    I'm testing Infopanels on our 5.0.5 test installation, but I can't seem to find how to customize some things? 1) I have the welcome panel, but is is a bit too large and I would like to remove the 'User Settings' link. Also I want to remove the statistics about how many posts, threads, posts per...
  14. R

    Question canocial URL problems

    Sir, I am receiving the following errors from Bing webmaster tools after the vbseo-dbseo upgrade. Would you let me know how to solve it? Canonical tags can be used to help de-dupe URLs for pages with the same or very similar content. Bing has detected that your site is using what appears to be...
  15. K

    Legacy suggestions for review system

    first of all thanks for this great tool but i have some important suggestions 1- view images from external links some forums like me has limit disk space and maybe i want to link images from another server or sites in reviews maybe we can have option to disable "upload" fields and can link...
  16. W

    Legacy Temporary IP Ban - Time based

    Hey guys. The major problem with this plugin is that attackers are now spoofing legitimate users IP addresses. Not sure HOW they are doing so, but they are. SO, the result is that the attacker will attempt brute force with existing user IP address and it then bans the IP address. Then, the...
  17. Fleiding

    Bug User settings

    I'm only using the Award feature and now I'm having a small problem. In the Settings page members still have the options for all the other features and the still can watch the Leaderboards and Rankings. When they try to look at the Achievement, they get the message that they don't have the...
  18. M

    Question PHP Memory Limit's after isntalling DragonByte SEO

    Hey Guys, I have just purchased Dragonbyte SEO Pro. When I enable it on my forum it gives me PHP errors on nearly every page. The php.ini file on the server is set at 128mb. I manage to add the line to solve some of the modules problems and generate some initial sitemaps...
  19. H

    Question og:title is empty

    the og:title tag is always empty these are the og meta tags for a given thread: ____________________________________________________________________________ <meta property="og:image" content="http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/4703/4kzb.jpg" /><meta property="fb:app_id"...
  20. bzcomputers

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    After I upgraded to 1.0.4 the automatic sitemap generation has not worked. On Monday I installed the update. Ran it manually Monday night to confirm it would automatically pick up all my custom urls and all seemed to be fine. The only setting changes I made were to: 1) Set sitemap run time to...