
  1. G

    Legacy New user remarks/issues

    This is probably going to be part issue/usability/how-do-I thread so bear with me. ;) First thing I noticed is that the version number is 1.3.4 instead of .6 for my vB version, probably wrong? Secondly, is there actually no documentation at all? :eek: Thirdly, first thing I'm blinded by in...
  2. W

    Showing off Dragonbyte MMO, vbNavTabs 4.2, and vbSlider

    I finally relaunched my site with its new theme this past weekend, and though I still have some tweaks to make in response to feedback I'm getting (the font is apparently not showing up correctly for a lot of people, and the font color is apparently a bit hard against the background), I thought...
  3. LissaE

    Bug Products Not Merging

    I have installed this as I have many of your products but it's not merging them into one line :(
  4. Bassinurface

    Bug Issues

    okay here are the two issues I have found thus far: 1. I'm sure this has something to do with the copyright. 2. I can't control this mod(Downloads). It is gone from the nav manager. It automatically added it's self to that location.
  5. D

    Bug .js error with internet explorer and no copyright

    Greetings, I have two issues: 1. I get a .js error in internet explorer and the shoutbox is stuck on "loading" Webpage error details Message: Expected identifier, string or number Line: 1349 Char: 5 Code: 0 URI: 2...
  6. S

    Switching from photopost to your DragonByte Gallery

    Hi, we made good experiences with your Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro version and so we consider to switch from photopost pro to your new gallery product. What we don`t like about photopost pro is that it is not fully integrated into vBulletin. If users would like to create a new thread/post...
  7. Taurus

    Question Copyright overlapping skin.

    On one of my skins the Copyright is overlapping the skin. See screenshot please: Not sure how to prevent it from doing it. It also only happens on smaller screen resolutions. Thanks.
  8. Crotan

    Legacy Boarderless Widget while maintaining cc link?

    Maybe this is a mix between feature request and a How do I. I'm running the lite version of the slider, but I'd like to run it outside of a widget header. Seamlessly into the page, in a competitor slider plugin I would create a new widget template named widget_noborder with the code to only...
  9. capecoddah

    Bug vB Optimise text appears twice in footer?

    Is it an intentional decision for the vB Optimise text & copyright to be placed twice in the footer? Is there a way to disable the "vBulletin Optimisation by vB Optimise." text? It just seems unnecessary. Obviously I know I have to display the copyright notice unless I purchase the branding...
  10. IcEWoLF

    Re-affiliate copyright links?

    Hi DBTech, can you guys add an option in your mods to re-affiliate the copyrights links with our affiliate links? Just like the way vBSEO has it in their system. It might be nice for us customers.
  11. M

    Question Footer Copyright

    Hello. I don't like how the dbtech copyright is displayed at the bottom of my forum. It doesn't look right. Is it possible to put the copyright on the signature shop? Instead of the whole site? Thanks.
  12. GoodApples

    Racing to 4.2.0 - Arrival

    People are asking if anyone has upgrade to 4.2.0 Yes - See Blog! ;)
  13. W

    vBArcade for XenForo

    Hello DBTech Team I'm very glad to see you guys released 2 XenForo add-ons, May I request you to please consider on porting your vBArcade add-on over XenForo? XenForo still don't have a stable Arcade mod and I'm very much interested in buying your Arcade add-on if you port it for XenForo...
  14. Valcav

    Very little mod to add extra (copyright-) text in the footer...

    Hello, vBulletin has added copyright hook location in the footer template: {vb:raw template_hook.footer_copyright} I would like to have a text box where I can type the things I would want to add to it... (I know, I could use the copyright box in the vboptions... I've asked if they could make...
  15. M

    xFShout Help

    Hello. Could somebody show me how to remove these lines?
  16. angus

    Legacy Integration to Copyright Management

    I´ll be happy if you could integrate this new mod to the existing dbtech Copyright Management.
  17. L

    VBNavtabs with Vbadvanced

    Just a simple question. im thinking of buying VBnavtabs and is wondering if it support Vbadvanced CMPS ? As i want the changed to be visible there aswell
  18. kitawanita

    Question Why vBAvatar Copyright Appear On Every Page ??

    Hi, I see vbavatar copyright showing on every page include my cms. I think it should appear on showthread only. Thank"s
  19. B

    Global Branding Free - for life?

    I need to understand this 100% clear: The product description for the Global Branding Free product/license, it is written: 1) First of all it is for lifetime 2) and On one line you write "life time", the next "future" and on the third line it says it applies for vbulletin version 3.8.X...
  20. H

    Question licence key is not in readme file

    Hi, I have purchased the tagging addon but no licence key is found on the downloaded zip file. It is supposed to be in readme,right ? Nope,its not there.