
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Forum Manager to Disable Comments

    Forum Manager to disable from view by forum. I am starting a new forum area and do not wish to have it displayed in this forum section.
  2. R

    Bug About the Commet button of thread. This is NEW ISSUE.

    Hi, I know about this issue. This link is my first bug request. And This issue is only for the comment button of post of thread. But this new issue is about only for start post of thread. Please...check again...
  3. R

    Legacy About Commet button of thread.

    About the Commet button of thread. Hi, My question is about the "Commet" button of start post of thread. I got an error message when I clicked the "Comment" button of start post of thread. The error message is "Invalid Action. Go back." But My(This mean OWN) start post of thread has no...
  4. R

    Bug I got error when I click comment link.

    I changed setting. Display Settings --> New thread ---> Just me. I got this error when I click the comment link(button) in the thread.. "Invalid Action. Go Back." I got same error from your site(vb4.1.12) and my site(vb3.8.2). What is problem? Sorry my English. Thanks.
  5. GoodApples

    Question vBulletin Upgrade to Ajax

    I am wondering how this will work with Ajax Threads? Heads up ;) I hoping there is enough of a difference. 4.1.12 Upgrade to use ajax I know this may not fit here but I thought keeping it out of the public eye was for the best. :cool:
  6. GoodApples

    Legacy Comment Display Order

    I recently noticed that the most recent Post Comment is place on top of the others. I would like to request an option to have the sequence in order from top to bottom. The most recent at the bottom. I read from top down. :) Okay, For those who like it the way it is...How about an option for...
  7. C

    Question clarification for use on 3.8

    Just noticed you have this now for 3.8. Does this create a sidebar like the live feed you have on DBTech? Do you have a 3.8 demo forum with this running? I'm also a little confused about the "comment" system that is part of this mod. I'm curious what the background/thinking was for this...
  8. webrunner

    Bug Files uploaded are too large: score not submitting

    Hi, I just updated vbarcade to version 1.1.1 and now the scores are not submitting anymore. Inside the box there is an error message just briefly visibla: uploaded files are too large (or something like that, it really goes away fast) and then it brings me to the comment of my old highscore...
  9. E

    Comment's inside Posts

    There is a mod but its very pure vB Comment styles facebook - Page 3 - Forum Need to add permisions and comments page Its good mod if you dont want replays inside the thead so your thread dont mess up
  10. F

    Question Enabling side bar?

    As tittle says, i already made the setting good, but i can't see the side bar working, i just can see the forum live on my nav bar options
  11. J

    Legacy Post Colour Configuration - Colorize only header and footer of the post

    Hi all, I like the feature to colorize post when the numbers of "Likes" (or whatever status) hit some value, but the way how the whole post is colorized is a bit ugly (no offense ;) ) So, i made a small "tuning" to make it a bit "nicer" :] Before: After: Here is how to do it: Set a...
  12. B

    Question no score saving

    Hi, i install right now your mod and import my old games from my ibparcade. great it shows all the old scores but when i play a game now it safe not the score from me. what do i wrong? After the play and i push submit, the arcade load my forumhome in the little game window and then the...
  13. C

    Question activity contest

    I am finally getting around to playing with the new activity contest features. The first question I have is, where on the front end does the contest show up? I see there is a spot for a banner, etc. I assume there must be a page where users can learn about the contest, see the stats, etc.?
  14. IcEWoLF

    Bug Slider just won't work :/

    The slider just doesn't work. I am not sure whats going on here.
  15. A

    Legacy In post comment below post

    Just something to look at down the track.. maybe :D - Feed Comments below the post (in thread) thanks
  16. GoodApples

    Legacy Save / Store Status Updates

    What's on your mind? Save/Store status updates in profile...similar to the User Status & Moods mod.
  17. webrunner

    Bug Score not submitting correctly

    Hi, Somtehing strange happens when i submit a score. Inside the game frame i see the full forum index page for a seconf and then it redirects me to the correct page where i can add a comment to the score. But the score hasn't changed. F.i. my last score was 80 and this time i scored 210. The...
  18. EasyEasy

    Bug Cooment box length

    Hi. Great update. Im having an issue with the comment bar ion the forum post. I have a modification to my skin which shows a xbox avatar. Is it possible to make the comment bar smaller. Picture below
  19. Markus79

    Legacy Notification for new comments & user has reached x threads...

    Hello, are there any plans for a notification if someone write a comment on my status aso? to show if some user has reached x threads, postings, blog entries aso? Thanks Markus
  20. Dutch_Boy

    I dont know how to call it.

    Hello, I dont know if you know the site 9GAG - Just for Fun!. Check it out and as you can see its a picture site. People can put there pictures on it. I want something like this on my forum. What i mean: Normal topic people put there pictures and everything in a post can people van replay...