
  1. Fillip H.

    [XenForo] DragonByte Shop v4.0.0 Beta 1 Released!

    Hey all, DragonByte Technologies is proud to present our second modern xenForo modification; DragonByte Shop v4.0.0! This is a re-write of our existing vBShop product, focusing on feature parity with our existing vB3/vB4 version. You can find the product information here: DragonByte Shop...
  2. EasyEasy

    Question Idle Bar Coolour

    Could you tell me how to change the colour of the idle bar in the shoutbox?
  3. Morrus

    Legacy Other colours?

    Not high priority or anything - just something that occurred to me. The idea of changing the post background colour based on like thresholds is a great one. The downside to it is that the colour selection is very bright; I'd use it if there were some more subtle tone available! Perhaps in a...