
  1. S

    Question Need help

    Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to locate the insert box at the bottom of the chatbox instead of at the left side i cant seem to find it anywhere thx in advance
  2. M

    Legacy IP & Search functions

    - In the VSA chatbox, these settings appears when you clicked on a username in the archive section: I want these 3 to also be in this shoutbox when I click a username in the archive section: - View all messages posted by X user. - Go to last message posted by X user. - The IP address to show...
  3. M

    Question Multiple Questions

    Hi, - I've noticed (on the default skin) that Username size isn't the same as font size when viewing on a mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S3). Some of my other members have complained about this too. The username appears much smaller than the font size.
  4. iraqiboy90

    Question Font size and defaults

    Hi I want to edit the default font size and the selectable fonts sizes on the chatbox. i.e. 10px, 12, 14, etc.
  5. M

    Question Customize colors

    I was able to change the color of the left chatbox to transparent by adding background-color to dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea_vertical. However, the chatbox with the tabs is still white. How can I change that background color? And how do I change the color of the buttons? Thanks!
  6. PrinceReborn

    Question Migrate Cyb Chatbox (VB 3.7.8) to vBShout (VB 5.1.2)

    Hi there, I have searched the forums but cannot seem to find anything appropriate. I am wondering if it is at all possible to migrate from Cyb Chatbox to vBShout? We are currently using Cyb Chatbox on vBulletin 3.8.7 and have just purchased an upgrade to 5.1.2 and I notice that only vBShout...
  7. Z

    Question view the chatbox in some templates

    Hello all I'd like to view the shoutbox in some templates like (blog, DBGallery, dbdownload ...) In a free chatbox it is possible to do (VSA-chatbox) thanks to this part: I thought just using the variable (first line explanation) => {vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1} when deposited in...
  8. Y

    Bug Tabs Not Highlighting with New Shouts

    After a server move, we have lost the ability to have the chatbox tabs highlight when there are new shouts in them. We have no customization on the chatbox, and this issue is on all forum skins. Any ideas?
  9. T

    Bug Showing twice

    I have this issue Screenshot by Lightshot and was told to disable ALL plugins to see if error was still there and did as told and it shows the same. What can I do to fix that? thanks.
  10. R

    Question Passing instance from PHP to Template

    I have a working version of this code in my template: <vb:if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == x">{vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1}</vb:if> If the template contains other html code, it will be displayed even if vBShout doesn't have any output. I would rather do it in PHP and call the template...
  11. Jj Michael Smith

    Bug Double posting when tagging

    When we tag we get an error at the top of the forum for a brief second and makes a double post. This is the error then double post happens. Any ideas? es). * * @param boolean Do the query? */ function post_delete($doquery = true) { // Decrement shout counters...
  12. Vcize

    Question What version for PHP 5.3?

    I recently upgraded my server from PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.3.28. My instance of VBShout stopped working and started throwing errors about Assigning the return value of new by reference being deprecated. What is the minimum version I need to upgrade to for PHP 5.3 support? I ask because my license is...
  13. GaWd

    Question Shoutbox Archive - Where is it?

    How can I get to the archive? It's enabled in settings, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, and neither can my users/ Thanks!
  14. clubcooee

    Bug newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved.

    newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved. Well I only wanted to show the smilies button, but the normal "Edit Instance" won't let me save my settings. I had to give access to my members by using the "Quick Instance Permissions Setup" cause the "usual" way of...
  15. A

    Question vbshout 6.2.2 - a particular user is not showing up in 'active users'

    I have one particular user who for some reason appears to not show up as 'active' user, even though he is absolutely active. I have compared his account settings to other users with the same exact settings and they show fine. I also had this user generate a new account, and that account shows...
  16. H

    Bug View shoutbox shouts without permission

    Hello, I set these usergroups to NO to see the shoutbox see below as this is an intended for use for staff But with a simple click to here And you can see the staff box shouts.
  17. I

    Question Can't save premissions on instancnce Managment Vbshout lite 6.2.1

    I'm trying to add a new shout box to a forum, I added a new instance and the setting are all saved and the coding is in the theme manager however i have tried to save the Permissions in the instance manager but when I click save the Instance Permissions don't save. The BBCode Permissions also...
  18. M

    Question Access Denied

    Hello, I seem to be hitting a few set backs, and maybe this is a problem with vBulletin or something, Seems to be only with vbshout, but not dismissing it, Just looking for guidance. When I go to this link...
  19. M

    Bug VB5.1 VBShout (newest) Internet Exploder/Chrome/Firefox problems?

    Ok. So done a little leg work here... But heres where things get interesting... If I am in Firefox or Chrome (Haven't tried Safari). I get nothing to work... If I issue a /prune command it says "You don't have permission to prune shouts.". (Chrome doesn't give me any errors at all just...
  20. AnjaC

    Question database error in vBulletin 3.8.7

    Hello! We are just testing the lite version before buying the pro version of vbshout and it´s great! Thabks for this stuff! But sometimes we get a database error: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb3_user SET dbtech_vbshout_invisiblesettings = 'a:1:{i:1;i:0;}' WHERE userid = 12423; MySQL-Fehler ...