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Legacy Two-Factor Authentication 1.1.0

Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication lets you ensure only trusted networks have access to your account, by using your smartphone to validate login attempts from new IP addresses.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (10) Discussion


Two-Factor Authentication lets you ensure only trusted networks have access to your account, by using your smartphone to validate login attempts from new IP addresses.

Why use Two-Factor Authentication?

The most common form of "hacking" a forum today is someone guessing or in some other way gaining access to the password to an administrator account. Even with password protection on your AdminCP and ModCP directory, irreparable harm can be done with an administrator account without needing to log in to any of these locations. Enabling two-factor authentication ensures that only trusted networks can access the accounts of your staff as well as your members.

Our two-factor authentication mod uses Google Authenticator to pair a member's forum account with their smartphone app. A "Recovery Key" shown on-screen during setup ensures that if a member should ever lose their phone, they can regain access to their account.

Product Information

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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