Recent content by Sam Chacko

  1. S

    Bug Thread Ratings not working at all seems like it is not installed at all

    Pandemik, I must confess (and apologize) for not doing Point 3. I had a similar situation for vbNominate, and apparently both mods are working beautifully. Love all your work
  2. S

    Bug vbNominte doesn't seem to be working as if it was not installed at all!

    Dylan, I do apologize. Apparently, I didn't go to the user groups, and see which group is able to nominate. I checked the 'Yes' and now I can see the nominate tab on the threads where it should be. Sorry for the waste of time. All your mods (I have installed 5-6 of them) are fantastic. Let's...
  3. S

    Question Can one integrate a payment gateway like CCAvenue to vbCredits Deluxe?

    Thank you both. If I may ask another question on the same lines, if for example I have 1000 credits, and I'd like to pay the user for achieving that milestone, will it be possible? I'd be glad to go with the Pro version if that feature is only available in Pro
  4. S

    Bug Thread Ratings not working at all seems like it is not installed at all

    This is in continuation with my post about vbNominate. The Thread Rating mod is also not showing up anywhere on any of my threads. Checked what I could find out from the ACP, and I've left it as defaut settings. If it helps, vbActivity, vbCredits Deluxe II, InfoPanels etc are all working fine.
  5. S

    Bug vbNominte doesn't seem to be working as if it was not installed at all!

    I installed the Lite version yesterday, and I checked everything I could think of in the ACP, but couldn't figure out why I don't see anything on the forum. As I said, it's as if I didn't install anything. Regards, Sam
  6. S

    Question Can one integrate a payment gateway like CCAvenue to vbCredits Deluxe?

    Hi, I understand that paypal can be used for transactions. But could you tell me how does a poster make money by posting in a forum? Also, where will this money come from? I mean if the payee has to be paid, then there has to be a payer also, right? Also, my main question=Can we integrate a...