Recent content by Carpesimia

  1. Carpesimia

    Question dbtech downloads pro

    My vbulletin site was hacked. again. so i am moving to xenforo. Where do i find the files i had uploaded into dbtech downloads pro, so i can copy them into xenforo?
  2. Carpesimia

    Question Secure hash tags?

    Thank you. I wanted to be sure I wasnt doing it wrong, and I'm not. Would be a great feature to be able to restrict subscriptions for certain tags to certain groups.
  3. Carpesimia

    Question Secure hash tags?

    Is there a way to set up secure hash tags? For example, we admins will tag #admin when we want to alert the team about something. We just found out that ANYONE can subscribe to #admin , and not only will they be notified of the tag, they willl get a copy of the post (usually in ADMIN forum)...
  4. Carpesimia

    Bug Database Error

    Hi, I'm seeing a good number of errors like this: Is this something I should be worried about?
  5. Carpesimia

    Bug Download count resets

    No response?
  6. Carpesimia

    Bug Download count resets

    Here's what happens. We create new downloads in our system. Many of these we don't host, so we just have a list of mirrors (1 or more). Sometimes, we go in and add/remove mirrors for a download. When we hit save, it reverts the number of total downloads to zero and starts the count again...
  7. Carpesimia

    Bug Download count resets

    Ok, I'll post this again. I posted it a few days ago, and now the post is gone. We are having an issue with the PRO version of vbDownloads. On occasion, we have the need to edit an existing download. Maybe to remove a mirror or to add a new one. When we do this and save the record, it...
  8. Carpesimia

    Bug Install not working

    Yup, that was the solution. I did read the doc and didnt see it in there. Did I just miss it?? And I do work for these people, so I didnt have or need the superadmin flag. So I added it, did what I needed, and then removed it again.
  9. Carpesimia

    Bug Install not working

    Oh, so make myself a super-admin and I'll see the menu? Is that the deal?
  10. Carpesimia

    Bug Install not working

    I already posted this one, but now can't find the thread. Here goes again. I have a customer who has a VPS at godaddy. On the same VPS, they have 2 vbulletin installations for different urls. They want a post thanks solution, so I installed your LITE product so they can use and decide if...
  11. Carpesimia

    Bug Not all users can like/thank/dislike

    The guy who was having this took a few days away from the site. When he came back, it didnt happen anymore. Probably cache or something.
  12. Carpesimia

    Question Special characters in URL

    I saw that, but it wants a replacement char. How do I replace it with nothing?
  13. Carpesimia

    Question Special characters in URL

    I have a question... The mods on our forum have forums that they want named a certain way. For example: forum name (fixed) The issue is, dbseo is changing the above url to this: forum-name-fixed- Is there a place where i can choose to replace the ( and ) characters (and maybe more down the...
  14. Carpesimia

    Question Change name on screen from vbDownloads to just Downloads

    When I click on the downloads tab, the downloads screen says "vbDownloads" in the page title, the breadcrumb, and the <h1> on the screen. I'd rather change it to Downloads or PSX Downloads. How/where can I do that?