vB Optimise Pro 2.0.0 Update


Former Developer
The next installment of vB Optimise Pro has been launched. With it comes a major new feature to dramatically improve server load with "Guest Full Page Caching".

New Feature: Guest Full Page Caching

This latest addition to vB Optimise is designed to dramatically reduce both MySQL Queries and CPU usage as content shown to guests can be fully cached with a changeable TTL (time to live). With this enabled guests will no longer always require vBulletin and any modifications you have to process, instead the content is given to guests at a very early stage of vBulletins initialisation.

This process means any SQL queries the page would normally execute are gone, and PHP processing is also eliminated with exception to vBulletins start-up. This can result in upto 90% CPU processing saved and anywhere upto 70+ queries saved per page depending on the content being served.

We hope you enjoy the update!
Performance sounds awesome! One quick question.

How does "guest full page caching" affect google, yahoo, bing and other search bots, who are also guests? Has the seo effect of this been tested?

Performance sounds awesome! One quick question.

How does "guest full page caching" affect google, yahoo, bing and other search bots, who are also guests? Has the seo effect of this been tested?


Spiders will be treated the same as guests, so the content they see will be cached too. So long as the cache TTL isn't high I don't see it impacting SEO (it's not like Yahoo/Google will be viewing a thread the moment it's updated and such). As for the vBulletin "Archive", no changes there - vBO won't cache that (no real need).
I personally don't recomend caching forums however doing this on your cms would be a fantastic idea. If u do what wordpress does would be a superior idea IMO.
I personally don't recomend caching forums however doing this on your cms would be a fantastic idea. If u do what wordpress does would be a superior idea IMO.

This is only impacting guests, and you can assign whatever TTL you like - having a page cached for 1 or 2 minutes isn't going to do any harm imo. If you have any suggestions though I'm all ears :)
2.0.1 has been released:

- Fixes CMS caching with vB Overload Cache
- Removes dependancy on Filecache for vB Overload Cache (it will now use memcache/xcache/etc..)
This is awesome and will be a HUGE help when I send a large spike new visitors to the forums in one shot. Thank you!