DragonByte Shop v4.4.0 Beta 2 Released [XenForo]

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

A new update is available: DragonByte Shop v4.4.0 Beta 2 for XenForo.

Update Highlights

This release adds the Trading system, which allows members to trade items and/or currency between themselves via an advanced system in the front-end.

Users can send trade requests to other members, who can then accept or deny the trade request. Once a trade request is active, a Conversation thread between the two members will be kept up to date whenever someone modifies the trade, as well as notifying the other member when the trade is accepted.

Items that are expired or flagged as not giftable are not eligible for trading, and future updates will add a new, unique "tradable" flag for items.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Trading - Items & currency can now be traded via a new page in the front-end
Change: Removed a few "dead classes" from the system as they served no practical purpose
Change: Deleting a user should now more accurately update/remove now-defunct records across all Shop database tables
Change: The overlay in your inventory where you configure an item’s Active and Hidden settings now uses the formOverlay CSS class (dark style on a default skin)
Change: The "Buy Item As Gift" link no longer has the item description in the overlay
Fix: Fixed an issue where the installer would not update the "Item Type" DB table as intended
Fix: Fixed an issue with the postbit & the new "Item Type" internal changes
Fix: Fixed an issue with deactivating / expired items generating a server error
Fix: Fixed an issue with the Feedback system resulting from a copy/paste error
Fix: Fixed an issue where deactivating the Feedback system would still send requests for feedback to users
Fix: The "Reminder Delay" option was not being respected, instead reminders were always sent 1 day after purchase
Fix: Fixed an "undefined class constant" issue with the Feedback page
Fix: Fixed an issue where setting an item to inactive would hide it from the user’s inventory
Fix: Fixed an issue with deleting an item that could produce a server error
Fix: Fixed an "Undefined offset" issue with the Feedback page if a purchase had been deleted

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