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What's the URL for them when it's on, and the URL when it's off?
Can you find that out?

Looks like your attachment settings might need tweaking a bit. I'm getting redirected to the forum homepage when I try to open the image in a new window to test the URL.

So might be your htaccess, or just a setting in DBadmin.

Could do with comparing the URL's to work it out though.
You can change this to "Not a Bug". Not sure what changed but clearing every cache I could think of because of your comment above and it seems fine now.
This seems to be rearing its ugly head again. The blog listed above does not show the images with DBSeo active. If I deactivate DBSeo the show fine. I have tried to clear every cache and on several browsers and devices.
Hmm, looks like Blog Attachment URLs maybe, can you try disabling those specific rewrites and see if this resolves it?
What about if you turn the rewrite back on afterwards?

If that doesn't work, could you please PM me with an FTP account and leave it enabled so I can look into it further?
I think I resolved this by deleting those left-over directories as mentioned in the other thread, I'm seeing the images displayed correctly now. Can you confirm?
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