Pending Daily Login Streak Tracker


I can't figure out how to achieve this. I want a daily login streak tracker using a separate currency just for daily logins. It would show how many days in a row they've logged in. If they miss a day, I want it to reset to 0. How would I achieve this with the secondary currency?
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This is the first I've heard of this being a requested feature, so no :D

Also I'll be working on the XF 2.3 versions before adding any new features; see this news thread:
No worries, not a critical thing, just a fun thing I wanted to add to give people a sense of "I made it to mesozoic haven today" haha.

I'm ok with waiting for this as a 2.3 feature, once your ready. As long as 2.3 is out before September, I'll be able to use it. (no brainer there)