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When clicking the tags, the tag disappears. Nothing else happens, then if you refresh the page, the tags are back. I'm not sure what the intended behavior is (which is why I was clicking on them to see what it had to say. hehe).
What game tags? On import? Its for narrowing them down by applying the tags. If you look at the top of the screen after clicking one, itll say "remove applied tags: tag1, tag2, etc"

if "nothing happened", then all the games had that tag :p different systems and methods support different kinds of tags, and applying some tags will negate the use of others. mochi has many types and narrowing down with tags on mochi is more satisfying in my opinion :p
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Ok, so yeah, I didn't notice it updating at the top.

It's apparently broken though as I clicked a tag, then clicked the "continue" and I get the message "No additional games for import have been detected", and the tags remain.
some tags cant coexist, while others can.

for example, for mochi, only one of the following types of tag can be selected at a time: author, keyword, category, rating. but, until clicking into one of them all possible ones are shown, and you can have one of each type selected.

Once you get to the end of the importable list (unfortunately, unable to determine an endpoint before you get to it) if you click the provided go back button, it should put you back on the last page with the last active tags, but if you start over completely with import, it does not remember the tags you chose, because they are method specific.
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