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I want to increase the weight of the file to be transferred.

at first I increased the size of the files
Rar application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove]
zip application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove]

I uploaded a 15MB file

the error occurred: "error: post_max_size = 8"

so I increased the parameter in PHP.ini: post_max_size = 58

Now when I up a resource of over 8mo : "Erro: true"

as if it was too long for the server?

Please have a solution?
ideally, I go at least a 80MB

thank you very much
You need to increase max upload size and memory limit to be at least twice the size of your biggest file.
hello Fillip H.

This unfortunately does not work.

The test file uploaded is 42.3 Mo

in the program:

Rar /// application/zip /// 50.00 Mo /// Non disponible /// Non disponible /// [Manage] [Remove]
zip /// application/zip /// 50.00 Mo /// Non disponible /// Non disponible /// [Manage] [Remove]

in Php.ini:

memory_limite: 500M
post_max_size: 500M
upload_max_filesize: 100M
max_input_time: 300
max_execution_time: 300

here is the result in System Information :

System Status Online /// System Version 2.2.2
Bandwidth Usage 70.70 Mo /// Storage Space Usage 71.72 Mo
Monthly Bandwidth Usage 70.70 Mo /// Monthly Storage Space Usage 71.72 Mo
Files 33 /// Max Upload Size 500 M
Max Input Time 300 seconds /// Memory Limit 500 M

I tried several way in amount up to 900 M
or 500 / 250/ 100 with the same files
but the result is the same 50%

Download load as much as 50%. After it starts, and after being mounted again 50% notes: Error: true

do you have a solution please?
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I have made a change to /dbtech/downloads/includes/class_uploadhandler.php

Could you re-download v2.2.2 and re-upload it, then let me know if this works for you?
I try a reinstall tomorrow thank you

Hello Beliazor

I cancel service module
given all modified original templates
replaced all the files to upload to there incerer the new file in the same occasion
I cleaned the system cover
I reinstalled the xml file
info that may be important:
during installation (each time) there is a bug in the Manage Extensions part.
during the initial installation in the Category Management Extension Group party does not appear. (choices are empty)
Needs cleaning (repair cache) cache for this part appears.

So to conclude, I have always the problem.
0 50% of it goes well
50% accelerates the download to finish 54 to 55%
the download starts at 0 again
to repeat the same thing 50% and finish with "error: true"

is it possible that "Max Input Time" too just 600?
as a 43 mb upload esst long. (I'll test 1200)

Hello Beliazor

So I spent "Max Input Time" in 1200.

I even tried in chrome (I use firefox) and the result is the same unfortunately.
However, I tried in zip (instead of rar now) in case and I keep you informed.


it's the same thing with a .zip
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I'm unable to replicate this issue on this site. Could you please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account so I can attempt to replicate it on your site?
This appears to be a server configuration issue. The upload fails with a "connection reset" error, which indicates that the upload is taking too long for the server to process.

Unfortunately this is not something we are able to assist you with, as each server is different.
thank you for your help Fillip H.

I'm completely stuck.
I do not know how to settle the problem.
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