vb optimise pro

  1. A

    vbshout server impact

    Coming up this Wednesday I have the busiest day of the year for my forum. Last year we had over 1,900 users online at once. In a nut shell I want to reduce the impact on my SQL server but don't want to kill my php server either. (they run on the same box) Would using a chat mod like vbshout be a...
  2. H

    Bug vB Optimise Pro Install

    Thank you for the installation, but it turned out some of the problems :) Flush cache screenshot of the error message? ****************************** "Save Attachments as Files " ******************* After you have installed vBSEO does not work : ( No vBSEO ... last request...
  3. eva2000

    howdy !

    Hi all, just saying hi :) lots of clients I consult for use dragonbyte-tech products, so i thought it was long overdue to pop on in on this site :D screenshots from 2 clients who use vB optimise pro - one saved 2,500+ cache hits/s for 52+ billion cache hits over 8 month period! Other client...
  4. Fillip H.

    Legacy Session Table Offloading

    Popping this here so it gets recorded in the system:
  5. S

    VB optimise rocks

    After about 6 hours installing vb optimise pro, it already saved 685,000+ queries according to my admincp. Good job :)
  6. ZeroHour

    vB Optimise Pro compile time stats

    Hi Just wondering if there were any examples of compile time (using the debugger numbers) to show how much vB Optimise Pro improves things on a default install? Guest cache viewing page compile stats too would be very useful. I am curios about the product but I would like some numbers on a...
  7. S

    Bug Fatal error after upgrading to vBulletin 4.1.8 Beta 1.

    I'm getting the following error, after upgrading to 4.1.8 Beta 1. (Had to disable the mod temporarily.)
  8. M

    Question How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version?

    How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version? I'd like to remove the following code added site-wide to the very bottom of my footer by vB Optimise Pro: <div class="smallfont"></div> What do I need to edit? I suspect it likely is within a PHP file...
  9. shiftdelete

    Question Memcached and APC

    We want to use memcached and apc on our vBulletin forum. We have installed vBseo and VB Optimise Pro. We already using memcached. How can we configure apc?
  10. Valcav

    Legacy Title suggestion for in the (Manage Products)

    Hi, I have a few mods of DBT. One of them is the Optimize one... In the Admin Control Panel => Plugins & Products => Manage Products All mods of DBT that I have (currently) installed are starting with "DragonByte Tech: " as "Title" except for the "vB Optimise Pro" ... I actually like it to...
  11. R

    Bug error when installing

    im getting this eror while installing it XML Error: Not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1
  12. G

    vB Optimise Pro Question

    Hi, we recently installed vB Optimise Lite on our site and like what we see so far. I had a few questions about the Guest Caching feature in Pro. 1) We have several plugins (some of which make up a good deal of our traffic) would the pages for these be cached as well? 2) We use the VB ad...
  13. A

    Problem in loading Produkt vB Optimise of the client area

    I try to download Produkt vB Optimise, but I can not show me a single file
  14. B

    Bug After seting up unable to do anything on Admincp

    Hello, I have installed vB Optimise Pro 2,3,0 on my new forum urduart.com but since installation and doing main setup, I am now unable to do any change using admin cp, when ever i try to save any change in Admincp system through me following error message. Please advise how to get things back...
  15. H

    Bug Huge page delay

    Speed test with vboptimize running: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/110410_XB_C8Q7/1/details/ Speed test with vboptimize disabled: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/110410_BH_C8MP/1/details/ You can see a significant difference in the time it takes the page to start doing anything.
  16. B

    Question Free add-on for Memcache

    I thought this might be of interest for those customers using MemCache with vB Optimise ... :) http://articles.digitalpoint.com/content.php?r=14-Monitor-Memcached-Servers-With-vBulletin Here's what it reports for our site running MemCache and vB Optimise Pro ... Does the information it shows...
  17. B

    Question Moving attachments to file system?

    Hi ... :) I've now got vB Optimise 2.3.0 running well... I think .. :D I've run Pingdom checks against our home page and it seems to indicate a substantial increase in performance, which seems to be improving over time, as we just started running vB Optimise this morning, Does that make...
  18. iMav

    vB Optimise Pro and lighttpd

    Currently looking to upgrade my site from vB 3.8.x to 4.1.1. I would like to optimize for performance as much as I can. I currently run a debian-based linux server with lighttpd as the web server. I have installed xcache (apt-get install php5-xcache) but have done no configuration. Is there...
  19. picnick

    I bought VB Opt, but i didn't received it

    hi guys i bought vB Optimise Pro today with paypal, but anything arrived on my mailbox i'd like to know the times and modality how can i receive the products?!? And when?!? thanks a lot! nic :D
  20. Big-Pete

    Need a bit of help with Amazon S3 settings if poss

    I've been using the Beta with CDN since release and after a few problems im now able to use Rackspace and remote server ok, the only problems i've had have been with Amazon S3, Deceptor:cool: has been a great help, But Now i just need someone to go through the process of how to set up a bucket...