vb optimise pro

  1. Jnifoo

    Caching Setup for vB Optimise Pro and vBSEO

    Hi again. Just a question of setup. Using the vBSEO (3.5.1) plugin that has 'caching options', and the vB Optimise Pro that has its own 'caching options'. As the purpose of vB Optimise Pro seems to override any other caching functionality, is there any reason that I should let the 'caching...
  2. Jnifoo

    Guest Full Caching cause bug in rendering the sidebar

    Hi, Using vB Optimise Pro 2.3.0 since yesterday, on our Forum powered by vBulletin 4.0.5, I encountered a problem with the way Guest Full Caching works. A that time, I have found no solution to resolve it myself, so here is the facts. First, notice that I use the following plugins : vBSEO 3.5.1...
  3. Jnifoo

    Can't Edit License Settings

    Hi, Just purchase the vB Optimise Pro, but when it comes to download it, the members area tell me to edit my licence settings. I tried many ways to validate my forum url, without any success. The website replied with "Your submission was not saved due to error. Please recheck the fields...
  4. C

    vbop 2.3.0 and XCache 1.3.0 cache misses

    Hi, I just purchased and install vB 2.3.0 today. Running on vb 3.8.5 with xcache 1.3.0 on php 5.3.2 and nginx and php-fpm, on a core i7 860 with 12gb. It's been running about 2 hours and is reporting about 80,000 queries saved, so that's exciting. However, I took a peek over at my XCache...
  5. D


    My host tells me I have it, however I get this message when I attemt to utilize it with vB Optimise Pro. Is there anything in the php.ini file I need to change? I checked my php.info.
  6. cykelmyggen

    vboptimse incompatiblity?

    I installed the vB Optimise Pro 3.2.0 this evening and it seems that there is an incompatibility with "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics ver. 6.6.2." Please take a look at the attached screenshot!? Will it be possible to remove the text from vB Optimise in this section?
  7. S

    Which is the best Opcache Operator?

    Hello, I own my dedicated server so i could install any Opcache Operator, which one is the best for speed and server load?. I installed vB Optimise pro yesterday and i tested it with XCache and now with Memcached, the pages speed is very good but i don't see any difference in load, with/out vB...
  8. iPhoneclub

    Mobile Style cached for Guest users /w Full Page Caching

    I think I'm running into a bug with vB Optimise Pro 2.0.1 and a custom plugin for mobile style redirection in combination with vB Optimise's setting 'Guest Full Page Caching'. In some occurrences guest users (on desktop-browsers) get the mobile style instead of the normal style. I think this is...
  9. T

    vbOptimize Pro for 3.8

    I know there are no current plans to make a new 3.8 version, however I, and I'm sure several other big board owners that simply can't move to 4.0 yet, would be willing to pay for vbOptimize pro for 3.8. Many of us, as you know, constantly struggle with page load time and server performance. The...
  10. S

    full page caching for guests conflicts with vBEnterprise Translator

    Hi I have vBOptimise Pro 2.0.1 and vBEnterprisetranslator (vBET 4.2.1) installed Both products are needed on my forum. It works perfect but translated pages don't get shown fully or bring up errors or behave strangely. The conflict lies in full page caching for guests. Can you please sort...
  11. magmf

    can i disable vbulletin cache ?

    i want confirm if vb optimise pro continue to do cache if I set Yes to "Disable Content Caching" under Options -> Server Settings and Optimization Options -> Disable Content Caching because i have some issues with vbulletin optimize and vbulletin cache working together. and if I enable...
  12. S


    Hi I need an invoice for the vB Optimise Pro Purchase Can you provide me one please Thank you StarBuG
  13. S

    Installed vB Optimise Pro - Resource Statistics returns empty page

    Hi I installed vB Optimise Pro and the link Resource Statistics returns an empty page I had the lite version installed before and removed it before installation StarBuG
  14. N

    Bundle Packs

    Will there be a vBShout + Activity bundle offered?