
  1. H

    Question Sitemaps Not Listed In Google

    I have been recently becoming familiar with Google Webmaster tools and have noticed that my forum did not have a sitemap registered. I assumed this was mostly just some kind of synchcronization issue or reporting flaw so I registered the sitmap index manually in order to get the full set of...
  2. J

    Question Worth watching if you are doing seo on a forum

    This is not a bug report or even a feature request. There's an interesting plugin on with a link to a google webmasters hangout about seo and forum content: I think it is worth watching because it clearly states google intentions...
  3. Tony Dragani

    Bug Webmaster Tools alert: Increase in authorization permission errors

    First, thanks for creating this awesome product. Since I installed it in May, the number of pages indexed in Google has grown from 26,000 to 34,000, which is a far better result than I had hoped for. I have run into a problem, though. When I log into Google Webmaster Tools, I am now receiving...
  4. N

    Question Removing site name from Title in Google Results

    Hello :) Just a quick one, I'm not sure (but I think) it's related to DBSEO. Is there any way to remove the site title from Google Results? See at the end of every title - Digiex. It's using valuable space and not really needed. I've tried crawling through all the settings without much luck :s...
  5. ringnews24

    Login/register with (Facebook,Twitter,Google+) etc...

    I think this would make a great mod and I'd buy a pro version of it. I want my members/guests to be able to login/register to my Vbulletin forum with their Twitter, Google, or Yahoo Accounts etc.. This would help get new members on vbulletin forums.
  6. E

    DBSEO - Pro Purchase question

    I'd like to purchase DBseo and have just 1 question thats concerning me. When URL's are re-written, what happens to the old urls submitted to google. Are they redirected to the new url or will it send loads of errors to google for non existant pages?
  7. M

    Question Duplicate Titles - google webmaster

    Hi Fillip H., Not sure if this is something you can help out with or not, or if it has anything to do with DBSEO? I have like 1000+ duplicate Titles in google webmaster (html improvements section). See this attachment... cheers.