
  1. T

    Legacy Language Pack

    Is a German Language Pack supported ?
  2. I

    Bug vb arcade hiscore

    fehler im Arcade mal gehts mal nicht ARCADE einige user können nicht spielen mal geht es mal nicht worann kann es liegen ???? es kommt immer Es scheint du spielst gerade, wenn du dies startest wird die Session beendet. was nicht stimmt !!!! wie kann man das beheben ?????
  3. O

    Bug Security question not showing up

    Hi, it seems that the security question in registration doesn't show up although I enabled it in VB.
  4. D

    Question change date and time format

    how can change the date an time format from english to german ? it is showing : 3rd August, 2012 and 8:32:57 PM thx for help
  5. T


    Hi, i use some DragonByte-Mods not yet translated to german. I have done traslation for other software - in most cases i translated a plain textfile and i am done :) Is there a instruction how to do it for dragonbyte-products (or for vB in general). (I know, i can do it in th ACP, but is...
  6. A

    German User Spotlight

    Hello there, community another great free mod of DB Tech is available in German now! Feel free to download my translation of "User Spotlight" for your own use. Please note, that support to my translation is only given on the German vB Add-On Site as also updates will be available there, if DB...
  7. S

    DBTech Membermap - I would buy

    Just been speaking to Cosmic and he suggested I post this here. I have moved over to vbulletin from xenforo and there is something I am missing from my forum that I know many others are also. There is a german version which looks far too over involved for what people want IMO however no english...
  8. A

    German Post Templates

    Hello there, community another great free mod of DB Tech is available in German now! Feel free to download my translation of "Post Templates" for your own use. Please note, that support to my translation is only given on the German vB Add-On Site as also updates will be available there, if DB...
  9. D

    Bug German umlauts not showing properly

    Dear all, I have currently purchased and installed this product and having issues with German umlauts. The ö,ä,ü,ß are showing up as Chat-text, no issue there, but in the sticky, in the users-name and in commands (like close = Schließen) its showing as "?"-charakter. Can you please help to fix...
  10. D

    Bug forum/vbmail.php did not work

    If I'am following Mailing Lists - WW2 German, Soviet, US and Allied militaria, uniforms, awards, armors, weapons history forum. War relics it is redirecting me to the forumhome. I use VbSEO, may be it is redirecting? Looks also the bounce mail settings did not work too, due the bounced mail list...
  11. A

    Question Translation? Phrases

    Hello there, as I'm now done with translating of "Username Change" (got to be moderated in translation forum ;)) I continued translating "vB Post Template". As the literally German translation of "Post Template" might be confusing, I decided to rename the mod to "1-click-posts"...
  12. A

    Bug Bug report

    Hello there, I don't know whether this free mod is still developed, but while translating the mod into German I've found a bug: I'll provide a little screenshot that shows the bug that is in the usercp: (tested twice on two different boards, both running 4.1.12) As you can see some texts are...
  13. A

    Question Translation? Phrases

    Hello there, as promised I'd like to provide a German translation for this modification, but I got some issues with the translation, as some shown textes seem not to be phrased: The screenshot shows the issues: I translated the green marked textes with no problems, but I've marked some areas...
  14. A

    German Staff Only Hidden Posts (SOHP) goes Beiträge nur für Forumsmitarbeiter (BnfF)

    DEUTSCH/GERMAN: Hallo zusammen, heute darf ich euch meine erste Übersetzung für Produkte aus dem Hause DB Tech präsentieren. Hier habe ich das Add-On "Staff Only Hidden Posts" ins Deutsche (Sie) übersetzt, hierbei habe ich, soweit möglich die Phrasen von der Formulierung an vBulletin angepasst...
  15. A

    Legacy Question

    Hello there, very useful Modification, i know something like that from a social network. But I wonder why you made it possible for only one source forum and one destination forum :( I could use it for more pairs of source and destination forums. (news from an rss feed and board...
  16. S

    Question How do I remove the Hashtag Feature

    Hi I don't want to use Hashtags. I disabled them in settings and on all forums. However in the UserCP there is still the option to manage hashtags. How can I remove that option because it confuses users? And an unrelated question: Is there a German translation available or do I have to...
  17. Glen Green

    Forum Reviews

    Whats peoples views on having a sub forum where we can post links to our sites with Dragonbyte-Tech mods on so we can discuss and rate etc ?
  18. kenion

    Bug Special characters not shown properly on certain permission levels.

    Greetings DBTech! Unfortunately, special characters from the german language like: "ö,ä,ü" are not shown properly. Instead they show up as a "?"-symbol in the text. Maybe a coding problem? Even more strange is, that only as an Admin, these special characters show up just fine. Thank you! Best...
  19. angus

    Question Issues after upgrading to 6.0.3

    Hey Guys! Today I upgraded the Shoutbox from 5.4.8 to 6.0.3 and I got some issues. Look at this 2 pictures to see what I mean: I have no idea how to fix that!
  20. Markus79

    Legacy Parse Video and Image bbcode

    Hi, it would be nice if we can post videos and images at the stream. I asked this question at and Fillip answer this: Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Forum Live Feed & User Wall [AJAX] (vB4) will get removed and the start tag will be left in place. Hopefully...