
  1. Nirjonadda

    Question Custom 404 Error Page

    How to Create Custom 404 Error Page? DBSEO have a Custom 404 Error Page php file?
  2. greenlinenshirt

    Question Copyright Question

    I had a question about copyright text. I know I can't remove it without buying the branding free option. But what are the rules on editing it at all? I am using vBCredits & vBShop (both pro) and some of the info is double and kinda long. This is what it looks like now: It's currently centered...
  3. Ozzy47

    Bug Cache Styles

    Not sure if it is a bug, or intended behavior, or a unintended feature :p . When you have the setting, Cache Styles set to Yes, If a user changes the style via the quick chooser in the footer, then browses to a different page, it reverts to the default style, you have set in the ACP, even though...
  4. P

    Classifieds Suggestion

    I just wanted to say it'd be pretty cool if your classifieds mod could also integrate with a points column from the user table. Could be beneficial towards customers earning bonus points / rewards / coupons / gift cards etc all that stuff.
  5. M

    Bug Mark Forums Read and Footer

    Hi Fillip H., Just to let you know that I was surprised how well the transition went from VBSEO to DBSEO :) And looks like everything is working well too!! However two small issues using the RC1 1) Mark Forums Read = Blank Page not sure why? 2) My footer has gone weird (please see...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy DragonByte SEO AdminCP

    Please can you add option for Enable/Disable DragonByte SEO AdminCP from footer.
  7. D

    Question Link in footer appears again

    As I ordered link free wersion, it appears again in the footer, please let me know what to do
  8. F

    Question Move js in the head to footer

    Hello there, Big fan of Dragonbyte tech mods :) I like to move all dbtech javascripts in the head to footer. Can you please tell me how i can do this.
  9. F

    Legacy Move js in the head to footer

    Hello there, Big fan of Dragonbyte tech mods :) I like to move all dbtech js in the head to footer, but is that possible? Google pagespeed test Your page has 12 blocking script resources and 11 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page. None of the above-the-fold...
  10. U

    Bug Wrong url convert format

    title: Hi let's open a new page result url: Hi let's open a new page hi-page-1 title: Hi lets speak result url: hi lets speak hi-speak-2 as you can see urls has to be hi lets speak but smtgmissing...
  11. Steris56

    Question Seo link

    Right at moment the link at the bottom of forum is( DragonByte SEO AdminCP) i looked in my footer template and cant find that particular link anyway i am looking to shorten this it takes up a lot of room at bottom ..perhaps to something like SEO ACP or dbSeo where and how would i go about...
  12. P

    Question Merging thanks/like/dislike with signature area?

    It looks like here at the forums, the like/dislike/thanks has been added to the signature area? That has a much more cohesive look to it. Can someone help me figure out how to do that for my forums? I would rather not have the signature box follow the post box as it is now. I just am clueless...
  13. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  14. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta6: Issue getting analytics code to display on some custom pages

    While testing the new Google Analytics options in beta6 I came across an issue on my custom pages. Currently I am using a 3rd party mod for my analytics which I'm pretty sure hooks into the footer with a javascript to apply the GA code. This is currently working on all my pages including all my...
  15. angeljs

    Legacy Mini shoutbox for iframes

    I would love to have a mini shoutbox version so I can show it via an iframe in places where I can't show it otherwise. A version with no header, footer ect, just the shoutbox itself. Would this be at all possible?
  16. GoodApples

    Bug BF Key downloading Issue

    Hey I not sure if this should be site support or here [AddOn] Branding Free: DragonByte Classifieds Key message when downloading Invalid User Licence :confused:
  17. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Copyright Concern and Integration

    I am concerned about the copyright with the classifieds. First I am wondering why it is not integrated into the existing copyright location at the page footer like all other DBT mods as I am running DBT Copyright Managment mod. Second, with the current set up I now have two lines showing...
  18. Q

    Question Button Colour settings?

    In the "post color configuration" for the buttons there are 5 options. I have set threshold for 1 click to green and in the next option for 2 clicks to red. My guess might be wrong but I was thinking the color from the post would be green when it was clicked once and when it got 2 clicks the...
  19. A

    Question How do I remove branding??

    Hi, I just purchased branding. How do I remove the links from the footer now?
  20. heyzeus909

    Question Notifications not showing up

    I'm using the clean-looking Mielo theme (available for purchase here at dbtech :) ) and did some further "cleaning up" of the way I want my site to look. Removing the clutter, so to say. One of the things I've done, is to edit the header to only include the username of the person signed in and...