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Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports

1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA
Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread.

2.) Option to rewrite the Archive

3.) Relevant Replacements, is a very nice option on vbSEO

4.) Guest Only Enhancements like Remove Forumjump Dropdown For Guest Visitors, Remove Thread Preview Text For Guest Visitors, Direct Links to Threads For Guest Visitors, Remove Member DHTML Popup Dropdowns in Postbit For Guest Visitors, Remove Last Post Links Options:

5.) Option to unlink the copyright message of dragonbyte (not so good for seo if you have such sidewide links in your footer).

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We don't currently have any plans of supporting any other vBSEO features than the ones we have already created. That being said, if enough of our customers request them, we may reconsider :)

With regards to 1), would you be able to shed more light on what exactly this does? I don't understand what the description means.

For 2), it's recommended to disable the archive since it's technically duplicate content. We opted not to spend additional development time on rewriting the archive for that reason.

3), I don't know what this does either.

Regarding 4), this is outdated functionality that serves little practical purpose other than waste system resources in modern-day scenarios. Search engines today are much more capable of discerning what is code and what is content.

As for 5), we have an option to purchase a Branding Free license - at this time we have no plans to implement a link-free version of our copyright footer. Being that it's at the very bottom of your page, search engines will always crawl and follow other links prior to that link.
I agree they are small but profitable items! It increases roi we doing on dbseo...

ith regards to 1), would you be able to shed more light on what exactly this does? I don't understand what the description means.

"It makes adsense makes %20 more money with same traffic" the end of word!
you tell adsense not see other content but see only REAL content and adsense can better select advertisers. you helping adsense to better atrget it simply removes menus other navigation menus etc from adsense bots eyes

For 2), it's recommended to disable the archive since it's technically duplicate content. We opted not to spend additional development time on rewriting the archive for that reason.

It only helps spiders to find links instead of garbeging menus and heavy content spiders can spider that archive
faster and better and it's not duplicate at all!
it's different content just bunch of links... helps spiderin

3), I don't know what this does either. IT's inserted content area. Helps you to speak visitor better.
It can help to bring more seo value...
you use one variable for forums one variable for show thread. etc within these variables you produce extra content...

Regarding 4), this is outdated functionality that serves little practical purpose other than waste system resources in modern-day scenarios. Search engines today are much more capable of discerning what is code and what is content.

It's helping to popup REAL content more in front
compare two pages one is heavy one is light they offer same cntent but different shapes you prefer light one.... because faster and probably keeping visitor more on focused the content!!
get the idea? it helps to lessen duplicate content as well!!
real duplicate content which is more unique and when you remove unnecessary items you get more unique content!

But i disagree to use vbseo javascript hide fucntion (virtual html) i tested several years ago its useless anymore spiders can see what is behind!!

As for 5), we have an option to purchase a Branding Free license - at this time we have no plans to implement a link-free version of our copyright footer. Being that it's at the very bottom of your page, search engines will always crawl and follow other links prior to that link.
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