
  1. F

    Question Page refreshed after thanking?

    Hello, I am very thankful to DBTechs for all these great MODs.... :) i just installed thanks and vB shop lite for a start... in thanks when i click on the "Thank for this post" it added a thank though ajax then it takes me to a blank page and tries to redirect to...
  2. B

    Question Global Cache TTL setting?

    Hi .. :) We're using Memcache and this setting was at 3600 as a default when we installed vB Optimise 3.2.0.... I notice that when checking our site using Pingdom tools HTTP remote check, that the "Response Time" report seems to show an increase one hour, followed by a decrease the next hour...
  3. W

    Bug 404 Fault, Upload isn't working, strange window

    Hello, i got a few problems with vbDownloads (pro), i bought half an hour ago. 1. 404 Fault Downloads->Manage Extensions->try to delete a extension group "Yes" leads to Page not found 2. Upload If i try to upload a file, the progess is always pending and none of the buttons (Cancel all, Reset...
  4. L

    Bug Removing exension

    Dear reader, I am using vBDownloads on my forum. But I am not able to remove extensions: I click on 'remove' in the 'manage extensions' Second I get a message: this action cannot be undone. I click Yes I receive a 404 error...
  5. H

    vBActivity & Awards Pro

    Hello, I am looking to use this product for monthly competitions. Basically the top 3 users per month with the most points will get a prize, cash or otherwise. Would this work well using your product to score the users on their activity? Will the system tell me the top 3 members each and...
  6. S

    vB CMS menu disappears after enabling TT lite

    I have installed TT lite and enabled everything. As soon as I add the group permission to be able to play it, my CMS menu disappears and is replaced with a partial menu from the forum section. Any known resolution to this? I looked but didn't see a post regarding this. The Visad
  7. Noctis88

    Designing our Deck Cards?

    Since a long time ago, im wondering if we can design our totally new deck on our own??? lets say i wanna put All Characters of Final Fantasy Series , and the design is already finish... so is there any possible way to create a new deck like this one? of course i meant with some modification...
  8. Mokonzi

    Profile Tab Empty

    I've installed Activity on my site, and (despite testing on a test site) I can't seem to get the Profile Tab to load. Atm, it's blank, as are the profile tabs for Thread tagging, Mentions and the Status changes. The status changes I've had on for a while, and were working, but even disabling...
  9. RokuDaMerlin

    Translation ?

    hello, i am a german user.. give it for your products a german version ? greez
  10. DragonByte Technologies

    Huh? Wha? Read This First

    So, this forum is where i'm going to give info to you guys on the upcoming DBTech monster RPG as it becomes available. It will be updated with Images, news of features, of story, of plans etc etc. This isn't something we've done before, but the interest surrounding this is pretty crazy, so i...
  11. kolenoblata

    Flush Cache

    Hello, Just installed 2.0.1 lite version for 3.8 forum . Everything is ok except Flush Cache. When I click on it I don't get anything, just blank field. Also, when I go to system test, flush cache just going and going Edit: Another problem. When I try to edit eny template I am geting blank...
  12. E

    "vb optimize pro " installation service

    Hello :) the vb optimize seems to be great although I couldn't try iit, I'm getting a message that I don't have a caching script or whatever on my server.. so If I purchase the pro version, would you provide installation service?
  13. J

    Newbie with some questions...

    Hello there, I have some questions regarding this product. I am a computer newb, so plain english would be appreciated :) I have just built a forum, and my site isn't live yet, but like most webmasters we anticipate growing our community and obviously as your board grows...