
  1. U

    Bug Member profile descripiton empty when custome profile url used

    i noticed at googe webmaster tools member profile urls wrongly indexed <meta name="description" content=" is a in the Ecoiner Forums. View 's profile."/> username variable seems not working iused members/[user_id]-[user_name]/ format....
  2. Nirjonadda

    Bug Album Picture (Paged) URL

    Album Picture (Paged) URL description bug show line .
  3. M

    Question Looking for some Variables

    Hi Mokonzi, I am looking to do a little bit of templates edits to suit my forums, I have gone over most of the templates but cannot seem to find all the variables. Do we have any Template conditional Variables for the following Listing Title Variable used on the item listing page? Listing...
  4. C

    Question Gae record question

    Game record question Game rocords indicate all the attempts of a specific user. Is there a way to just display one TOP score? Thank You
  5. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Share Buttons

    This Option will automatically add a bar to post location(Ex: vBSeo) with many popular dedicated share buttons available including: Facebook (Like/Recommend/Send) Twitter Tweet Digg Google +1 Linked In Stumble Upon Add This (which contains hundreds of more sites!)
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Keywords show What's Going On

    you can select how many keywords you want to display as a maximum on any page, and you can configure filters or “bad words” that you dont want to appear in the tag cloud of your site. This plugin therefore can do a great job of increasing the long tail search to your whole website, not just...
  7. B

    Bug Quotes keep inserting into vBShout DB Table even if it's disabled

    Hi, I've disabled all vBShout integration but it is still inserting "Quote" notifications into the vBShout Database Table and it's slowing the Shoutbox down as it keeps getting bigger even with auto delete enabled. Please look into this. Thanks! Best Regards
  8. M

    Question Listing Display on Ipads and smaller screens

    Hi Mokonzi, This is starting to look great and I am about to go live and take it out of beta on my forums too. But one thing is that we have quite a large ipad user base, and one particular moderator that looks after our existing classifieds section. He asked me to find out why his ipad...
  9. Digital Jedi

    Bug Recalculating Credits Hangs Indefinitely

    Curious if maybe I've have a deeper issue with my installation, or if I should configure this differently. We've been offline for a couple of years, and I'm not really sure when I uninstalled vBCredits. But I apparently had. So we're all back to 0. It's not a large forum, with only a little...
  10. D

    Bug Space below signature

    I have the thanks mod installed, and I have the "cloud" set to show up below the signature. The problem I am encountering is that this setup is creating way too much space between the signature and the post thanks cloud bar. Below is a screen capture of what I am talking about: What do I...
  11. GarethBurrows

    Question Variable for total user thanks

    Hiya Have implemented this mod, and imported thousands of records, and its all working nicely I see there's an expandable postbit element, which I can integrate manually into my tmeplate and it works nicely. However, I'd love to just display the total thanks or have the postbit element...
  12. L

    Bug Invalid Forum

    I installed everything correctly and imported the XML file. I opened my .HTACCESS file and it had no mention of vbseo in it at all so I ignored the edits to it. Attempted to turn it on. Whenever I tried to click on any forum, such as the Introductions forum, or any of the others, it would...
  13. blinkster

    Question Donation Bar with shout

    I am not sure if this is within setting or not of shoutbox or vbdonate but is it possible to have the ability to have the donation bar display within shout box i.e below shout options as one one area rather than have both showing as separate areas? I use both but be cleaner an use up less space...
  14. GoodApples

    Question Long Time CMS slider not displaying

    I have been using the vbSilider on the CMS for some time without issue and it now has disappeared? Any suggestions on what to check? ...I recently did change servers about a month ago. ...I recently change the vb style and when updating the CMS (Section Information) this displayed Warning...
  15. bzcomputers

    Bug Can not page through downloads with DBSEO rewritten urls

    I currently cannot page through downloads with DBSEO rewritten urls. The Custom Category (Paged) URL appears correct but the page contents are not right. I'm currently using "downloads/[category_title]-[category_id]-[page]/" for this item. Both 1 and 2 above display same information and 3...
  16. neounix

    Bug VBSEO Imported:- Now Error : /website/www/index.html (None could be negotiated).

    Hi Again, Decided to testi importing old VBSEO configuration. All was OK after we set the Navbit rewrite function off. However, we noticed that we cannot access the home page, and get this error: [Thu Dec 12 16:37:45 2013] [error] [client <ip addr>] Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching...
  17. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  18. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Custom 404 Error Processor Not Working

    Hi Again! We have a custom 404 error script process located at: [html-document-root]/404.php We have tried many configurations in the DBSEO settings, including: [html-document-root]/404.php [absolute-unix-path]/404.php /404.php .. but none of them work! Which format is correct? Please...
  19. Mental

    Bug having trouble getting nav to display correctly

    Hi I looked at my style navbar and yours, merged it according and still no joy, my current merged code is as follows; <div id="navbar" class="navbar"> <ul id="navtabs" class="navtabs floatcontainer<vb:if condition="$show['member'] AND $notifications_total"> notify</vb:if>"> {vb:raw...