
  1. Taurus

    Bug Purchase username underline not working.

    I just tested to see if it works. I purchased username change to be underlined, but can not see my username underlined anywhere.
  2. V

    vB Optimise with CDN

    hello there, i am using CDN for my vbulletin forum. will vB Optimise will help even when site is already optimized with CDN?
  3. H

    Bug Huge page delay

    Speed test with vboptimize running: Speed test with vboptimize disabled: You can see a significant difference in the time it takes the page to start doing anything.
  4. blinkster

    Bug vB Optimise Causing Site Slow Down

    Up until a few days ago my forum was running along nicely but then i was seeing and getting reports of massive slow down with the site, so as you do of you go to track down a possible problem and one by one i worked through the possible causes and nothing had any effect. Strange thing is this...
  5. M

    Bug Error when setting up Amazon S3 CDN in Beta 3

    Hi - I've just installed the vbo3 beta but I'm having problems setting up CDN. I have all the details correct, but I get the following error when clicking continue: Please help - I've just moved all my images from my manual CDN setup and reverted all paths, so they are now being served off my...
  6. M

    For those not 100% sure about Buying vB Optimise....

    I installed the full version yesterday and my site is flying. 750 users online tonight and a server load of 1.0!!! Pages load so quick. Saved 1,600,000 queries today and the day isn't up yet. I haven't even implemented CDN yet. Check it out here: Then buy it...
  7. M

    Question Does the Full vBO 2 and 3 play nice with vB Supercharged?

    Hi - I' run vBO Lite with vBSC with no problems. However, will this also be the case for the full version of vBO? What about version 3 with the CDN feature enabled? (based on the fact that vBSC messes with js and css files). I'm looking to purchase a licence tomorrow - knowing this in advance...
  8. T

    Question Safe mode or base dir problem

    Hello, The new version (BETA) of VBOptimise CDN can't be run in safe mode or if base dir on. Warning: curl_setopt_array() [function.curl-setopt-array]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in [path]/vboptimise/cdn/amazon_s3/cdn.php on...
  9. G

    Not working for me

    not even the one on here seem's to work for me i click on thanks and it doesn't do nothing.
  10. blinkster

    Recommeneded Settings

    You guys made and run this, in your opinion what is the best settings? I have installed lite version so i can have a play first.
  11. iPhoneclub

    Origin CDN Issue

    I'm still seeing this with the latest beta (downloaded today) with MaxCDN as Origin Pull. For me, it happens after any product install/uninstall/update. However, I manual flush cache doesn't seem to work for me. I have to explicitly use 'CDN Integration > Sync with CDN' every time to have the...
  12. S

    vBO 3.0 BETA - Parallelize downloads by using multiple cdn domains?

    Hi Whenever I use PageSpeed the "Parallelize downloads across hostnames" issue shows. Wouldn't it be an idea to have the option to set up multiple CDN domains and then parallelize the requests? What's your thoughts on that?
  13. S

    vBO 3.0 BETA - Report Errors during Sync

    Hi I noticed I got errors during sync, however they were gone so fast that I could not notice them. You should show those errors after sync is complete so that they can be corrected. StarBuG EDIT: I managed to "catch" an error: Warnung: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for...
  14. C

    vBO 3.0 beta guest caching broken images

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta 99.9% this problem did not exist prior to 3.0 beta. Problem: When a guest page is cached, I get broken images in some areas: Solution: Disable guest caching is the only solution I can find. The URL's are wrong, because they are added behind vbseo's optimized URL's, so...
  15. C

    vBO 3.0 beta flush cache issue

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta I can reproduce this at-will. This bug was introduced when I upgraded to 3.0 beta, so it is either caused by CDN integration (I use maxcdn, origin pull) or regression. Problem: Style broken -- css invalid (pointing to wrong css file, out dated) Steps to reproduce: 1...
  16. T

    Using Amazon Cloudfront

    I haven't tried this yet since it costs a little more, but will vbOptimise support amazon cloudfront when enabled? So instead of urls being replaced with you have
  17. T

    Syncing images for vbGallery on CDN

    I recently synced the files uploaded in an install of vbGallery to Amazon S3 using vbOptimize. There's a couple issues that I found: Images have to be synced manually to keep photos in the gallery updated on the cdn Images are exist on the cdn and file server unless you manually delete the...
  18. T

    Conflict with vBGallery

    I'm having some trouble with the cache caching unwanted things in vBGallery (photopost). Is there a way I can exclude certain scripts or templates from being cached?
  19. S

    Anyone else getting "random" page lockups after using the v3 Beta of Optimise?

    Anyone else getting "random" page lockups after using the v3 Beta of Optimise? It seems my forums now occasionally lock up my browser. I don't know of anyway to log or pinpoint what happens (I can't open firebug as the browser is completely locked), but the only change I've made to the forums...
  20. S

    Images copied to cdn, but location still shows local server (beta)

    There are quite a few images that are still being pulled locally instead of from the CDN, even though the style is selected, the directories are specified, and it's properly synced... I see the files on the CDN. Why would this be? An example image is...