
  1. cliff p

    Bug Multiple DBT products - Internet Explorer hates them.

    We have the following modifications installed on our site, and they all are not playing nice together: DBTech Gallery Lite 1.2.5 DBTech vBshout Pro 6.1.0 DBTech Thanks/Like Pro 3.0.3 DBTech user tagging lite 3.0.5 The issue that arises: All javascript buttons for quick reply and advanced...
  2. M

    VBoptimise CDN feature information?

    Hi There, I think, we have already bought vboptimise, but I wanted to know if you will be supporting Softlayers Origin Pull CDN ? Well done on cracking products too, going to change over to your pro arcade, it looks great. Thanks for any info Mick
  3. S

    Bug Guest Style Caching Fails Under Some Situation

    I use Dartho's lightweight style, popular vbulletin mobile skin. In addition, since vb 4.x (i think 4.1), i install this plugin too VB4 - Mobile Phone / iPhone / PDA Detection and Style Assignment It allows visitors to get mobile style automotically when the board is visited by mobile device...
  4. J

    Question CDN Integration

    Hello, I have a few folders that are not being picked up by the CDN integration. I have tried both files and folders. Is there something I am missing? /forum/adiinviter/js/container-min.js /forum/adiinviter/js/selector-min.js /forum/mobiquo/tapatalkdetect/jquery-1.7.min.js...
  5. W

    Question Is there a way to use Amazon S3 API on non-Amazon service?

    As the question says, I'm looking to try using a cloud service my host offers that says it is compatible with the Amazon S3 API. Is this possible? Is there a URL or something I can edit that would let it work? Here is what I'm hoping to try out: Cloud Storage | | DreamHost DreamObjects Overview...
  6. IcEWoLF

    Bug CDN wrong path - conflict with CDN integration?

    Unfortunately I am getting a 404 page with my edgecast cdn, I tried to purge cache but it seems it's not working at all :/ WebPagetest Test Details - Dulles : - 07/10/12 03:55:39 Showing as:
  7. A

    Bug Urgent - cdn issue

    Hello, I upgraded my vboptimise from 2.3 to 2.5 ... then I decided to use the CDN ...when I added my CDN using the pull zone type ... it just broke some images of my forum ... all images are like : instead of...
  8. G

    Question CDN support

    Hello All, we are using cdn network for our site now & we use now. but now we find that none of dbtech files are cached on there servers & they say since you use active cookies for the files so its not any one tested this on your site of ur files. please refer to the...
  9. T

    Legacy CDN Support

    I would very much like to see support for at least one CDN for pictures to be stored on. Currently my small photo site has over 11k images which take up 2.5gb of space. It would be perfect if I could connect the upload mechanism to Amazon S3 (see the beta of vbOptimise) and/or define a prefix...
  10. A

    vB Optimise

    Amplor here, proud owner of 9 Dragonbyte-Tech lifetime products (brand free). My question: With the recent update of Google as it ranks your page higher based on the amount of time it takes to load. I have a dedicated server for my forum and have noticed that my pages load considerably slower...
  11. loaep

    Legacy CDN implemntation, Re-make and optimization

    1) Make it so, it will MD5() the shouts page and if it has changed, it will send out a request to refresh, but if it hasnt, it does nothing.. this would save alot of serverload and lag. 2) Allow CDN for the shouts and stuff. (This would require the MD5() Thingy) Ok, thanks
  12. Taurus

    Question memcache?

    I am busy setting up memcache on my forum, and with everything correct I am still getting this: Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration. when running the test. What am I missing? Thank you!
  13. H

    Legacy vBO 3.0

    Hi just wondered when the next major version is expected and what significant performance benefits it will have if any. Thanks.
  14. S

    DragonByte Tech. The best mod supporters for vbulletin you’ll ever find.

    My forum started almost as instantly as I bought these mods. They were both in at pretty much the beginning. The biggest benefit of purchasing dbtech mods is their support. I can’t stay enough about their support in comparison to everything else out there. They are, by far, the FASTEST when...
  15. A

    A few requests for vboptimize [paid]

    I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: ) Benefits: At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured...
  16. S

    So many options for Optimization

    So I’m still trying to speed up my website as much as possible. Right now I have: MYSQL 5.5 NGINX XCACHE - Running through the config.php Memcache - Running through vbseo and vbOptimise vbOptimise 3 - Memcache vbSEO - Memcache I’m looking at varnish and mariaDB. I still have to set up a...
  17. Mike Fara

    What happened to vBOptimise?

    This was your biggest achievement, whether the money reflects it or not. At the time it was released, this was easily the best modification for vBulletin. I've had the lifetime subscription for this and no updates in ages. It's not even listed on the navbar. What happened? But more importantly...
  18. sniranjan

    Bug CKE Editor does not load in Description field of upload form in vbDownloads Pro

    The CKE Editor does not load in the description field in upload file form in vbDownloads Pro. The error in firebug console is: n.wrap_x_tags is null Line 136 The same CKE editor works in other places like blogs, cms...
  19. Solein

    Bug Description field missing when upload

    Hello, I just update my board to the latest 4.1.4 and the upload page don't show the editor for the description of the file: The editor works fine in the rest of the site. I've reuploaded and reinstalled vbdownloads and still no luck.
  20. D

    Bug Issue with new Editor in 4.1.4

    Hi, The CDN feature may have some issues with 4.1.4. The new editor doesn't work with the Editor. If I switch on CDN, CKEditor will not work, turn it off, the editor works fine. Please check it. Thank you.