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    Question Some code on image view

    When someone look images you can see " <br> " code on template ... how fix that ? will attach image that you can see what i mean. Have latest dbtech gallery pl1. regards bosss
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    Bug Comments problem still exists

    Update to latest arcade [2.0.2 pl2) and still have problem with comments count take a look on picture regards bosss
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    Question Floating image - notification

    Sorry did not see your answer - and yes..i use default skin and same problem regards bosss
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    Question Arcade error

    My users get following error when try access arcade (admins, moderatora and members) Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/arcade.php on line 146 that hapened when my host admins made clean some rows in database I have emptied the following tables...
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    Question Some help

    When i configure all and recalculate credits - get " - 8800" and want edit some post - come up message - you need 11 credits ... what i am doing wrong? How get + credits? regards bosss
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    Error_log file just growing up

    Upgraded site from vb 4.2.3 beta 3 to beta 4 and my eror_log file just grow up ... to 6.7 GB ...must delete file for get site to work. Just post here - maybe you have some solution or maybe some of your mods can cause that? use php 5.5 regards bosss
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    Bug Can not download

    Can not download product ...get this error message regards bosss
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    Bug In admin cp show 6.2.6

    Just installed new - hotfixed version (6.2.7) - and still show 6.2.6. regards bosss
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    Bug Cron not update user in sidebar block

    Hello have same problem like here in this topic maybe is problem with another of your mods what i have? Set hourly and nothing happend some help? regards bosss
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    Question How to get that guests see custom navigation tabs

    How make that guests see tabs? Did not find anything in usergroups settings? regards bosss
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    Question How get nominate button few px down

    Will attach picture ... how get this button few pixels down in postbit - userinfo? And please do not mark this answered without really answer - in all my askings about nominate problems .... you put answered but i did not get any solutions or fix for problems...
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    Question How change box weight size

    Hello will attach picture for beter explanation (will make that box smaller) regards bosss
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    Bug Error when install xml

    Hello Uploadef files and should install in my admincp and get this error Fatal error: Call to undefined method INFOPANELS_CACHE::build_cache() in /home/mysite/public_html/forum/dbtech/vbnominate/install/100.php on line 87 and installation stoped ... please some help? regards bosss
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    Question Some Help please

    Hello What is optimal settings for this mod. Mean for one forum - exp. should be both manual and auto disabled = not marked or manual marked and auto not or oposite? Mean in forum maneger settings ? regards bosss
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    Bug Same thread notices

    Hello Now have another problem with notices in vbshout . came same notices few times... will attach picture for better explain. Please some help regards bosss
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    Bug Can not make new category active

    Hello Will make new category and i can make it but can not get this active. I click to -active - yes and save settings and i see that is no active. Also when some category is set to not be active in admincp - it shows on forums! please some help I re-downloaded and uploaded files now again...
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    Question Do not like new look

    Must say that do not like new look in WOL in info panels where is same username displayed few times? Did not updated yet because of that look ... mean here in your forum. and no usrgroups legend? regards bosss
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    Question What i should put in this field

    What i should put here in admincp settings for vbquiz The forum userid that will be used when notifications need to be sent out from a standard forum user. forum id or user ide or leave blank? regards bosss
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    Question How translate phrase - part 3

    Hello Fillip H. please need help to translate those phrases: dbtech_vbactivity_trophycount dbtech_vbactivity_medalmoderatecount dbtech_vbactivity_achievementcount dbtech_vbactivity_medalcount regards bosss
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    Question Inbox full notification

    Just want ask if this modification have possibility (setting) to notice user that inbox is full or near to be full? regards bosss