Question Arcade error

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My users get following error when try access arcade (admins, moderatora and members)

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/arcade.php on line 146

that hapened when my host admins made clean some rows in database

I have emptied the following tables:


Let us know if you have any further questions.

Alex M.
VPS/Dedicated Server Admin

please some help... what to do to get arcade work again ?

strange that i do not get this error and can use arcade...
another superadmin get error ... and all users (usergroups)


edit: now i have same error ...and blank white page!
Last edited:
This is on line 146

if ($score['local_winner']) $stats += $db->query_first("SELECT s.score, s.userid AS winner, u.username AS winname, AS winemail FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session AS s LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS u ON (u.userid = s.userid) WHERE s.sessionid = " . $score['local_winner']);

Please some help?


My site was to slow and i get this message from host staff


I have reviewed the slow query log and checked some of the tables in mylibarc_mylibar

# Time: 150428 9:56:57
# User@Host: mylibarc_nenoze[mylibarc_nenoze] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 30.139146 Lock_time: 0.000230 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 54404820 use mylibarc_mylibar; SET timestamp=1430215017; SELECT COUNT(*) AS userplays, SUM(s.timefinish - s.timestart) AS userspent, SUM(d.gameid IS NOT NULL) AS user_trophies FROM dbtech_vbarcade_session AS s INNER JOIN dbtech_vbarcade_game AS g ON (g.gameid = s.gameid) LEFT JOIN dbtech_vbarcade_data AS d ON (d.local_winner = s.sessionid) WHERE g.enabled = 1 AND s.record > 2 AND s.userid = 2; # Time: 150428 9:58:39 # User@Host: mylibarc_nenoze[mylibarc_nenoze] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 102.021577 Lock_time: 0.000263 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 180934443 SET timestamp=1430215119; SELECT COUNT(*) AS myplays, SUM(s.timefinish - s.timestart) AS myspent, SUM(d.gameid IS NOT NULL) AS my_trophies FROM dbtech_vbarcade_session AS s INNER JOIN dbtech_vbarcade_game AS g ON (g.gameid = s.gameid) LEFT JOIN dbtech_vbarcade_data AS d ON (d.local_winner = s.sessionid) WHERE g.enabled = 1 AND s.record > 2 AND s.userid = 7; # Time: 150428 16:45:16 # User@Host: mylibarc_nenoze[mylibarc_nenoze] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 10.674630 Lock_time: 0.000072 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 SET timestamp=1430239516; insert into cometchat_status (userid,lastactivity) values ('111','1430239505') on duplicate key update lastactivity = '1430239505'; # User@Host: mylibarc_nenoze[mylibarc_nenoze] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 10.318205 Lock_time: 0.000078 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 SET timestamp=1430239516; insert into cometchat_status (userid,lastactivity) values ('1','1430239506') on duplicate key update la

You should be able to improve performance by deleting rows in

-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 18M Apr 28 18:30 dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 18M Apr 28 18:34 dbtech_vbarcade_session.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 16M Apr 27 16:50 dbtech_registration_redirect_log.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 14M Apr 28 03:32 dbtech_registration_tracking.MYD
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 10M Apr 28 17:57 dbtech_vbarcade_data.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 9.0M Apr 28 17:51 dbtech_thanks_entrycache.ibd

those tables that are more than a few weeks old. Timestamps for


go back to early 2013

As these tables grow, the longer it will take to do the queries involving selecting and joining these tables.

If there is a way to clear the data from the vBulletin admin area, I encourage you to do so.

Otherwise, with your permission, we can delete rows from dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog dbtech_vbarcade_session dbtech_registration_redirect_log dbtech_registration_tracking

that are more than 3 weeks old.


Steve O.
VPS/Dedicated Administrator

i gave permissions for make rows empty and after that i get error on arcade.


Try changing line 146 to
		if ($score['local_winner']) $stats = array_merge($stats, (array)$db->query_first("SELECT s.score, s.userid AS winner, u.username AS winname, AS winemail FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session AS s LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS u ON (u.userid = s.userid) WHERE s.sessionid = " . $score['local_winner']));
and let me know if that works for you.

It is not recommended to delete historical entries from any of those tables, as functionality may stop working.
Glad you got it working :)

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket. Thanks!
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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