Implemented Make steal penalty also withdraw from bank

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If i keep just 1 credit in my wallet at all times and steal from other users i never receive any failed attempt penalty. Once im successful just move my winnings to bank with one remainder in my wallet.

Could we please have option to set the minimum required credits in a users wallet before they are able to steal from others? or another option would be to allow the penalty to effect the users bank also.
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Hello @madness85,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Shop. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
Would you possibly be able to help me manually edit it so users require x amount of credits in thier wallet before they can attempt to steal?
@Fillip H.

This is correct?

return ($this->can_steal
&& (
\XF::eek:ptions()->dbtech_shop_steal_lose == 0
|| $this->getValueFromUser(null, false) > 1000.00

Users must have 1000 credits to be able to steal? seems to be working fine.
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