
  1. R

    Question Error: Cannot redeclare utf8_url_slug

    Hi, I have had a user in Wales with this error popping up when he replies to a thread. I have not been able to reproduce locally, and no other users mentioned this error. He is using google Chrome and Windows Vista. I'm posting in here as it is in the DBSEO functions, although may be caused...
  2. H

    Bug Several problems after installing (PRO Installation) of DBSEO PRO

    After upgrading from vbseo to dbseo, I have several errors: 1º When I edit a CMS post: Warning: Declaration of vBForum_Item_SocialGroupMessage::getLoadQuery() should be compatible with vB_Model::getLoadQuery($required_query = '', $force_rebuild = false) in...
  3. webi

    Bug Tag Rewrite Error since Update 1.1.2

    Hi Fillip, I get the following error when calling my tags. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class DBSEO_Rewrite_Tag_Single in /var/www/ on line 80