
  1. bzcomputers

    Legacy REQUEST: Add noindex, nofollow to link and page level to forum links requiring login

    I'm seeing 403 forbidden errors in Google Webmaster tools for urls that are contained within forums that have permissions set for unregistered users to view forum but not thread content. I'm seeing these 403 forbidden errors also coming from these links that are showing in "last post info"...
  2. H

    Question Rel= follow for internal links

    Hello, I have been trying to remove the nofollow from internal links, but I don't know how to do it. When inetrnal links have any parameter ?, vbulletin automatically adds rel=nofollow. In the past this was ok, but now google can read perfectly these parameters, so I would like to know how can...
  3. V

    Question Problem with dofollow links

    Hello again. DBSEO is not recognizing my list of dofollow links: In this link, these links appear and are nofollow: Analisis tecnico y recomendaciones de venta - Blogs - TradingUnited - Tu Foro de Forex (Mercado de Divisas), acciones, opciones binarias y opciones In the photo, violet looks...
  4. M

    Question NoFollow - lots of internal links

    Hi, I seem to have lots of no follows for my internal links, I understand that the login pages etc should be like this. But my menu where it goes to downloadsII all have no follow? Is there somewhere where I need to edit something to stop all the useful pages from being NOfollow? Also...