member select

  1. R

    Can member select currency for vbdonate?

    My members live in multiple countries and I need to allow them to select from multiple currencies when making a donation. Does vbdonate allow this now or will it in the future? If yes, I'll purchase today. Thanks. --Robert
  2. Nirjonadda

    Question User Text Formatting Mention Not Work

    This is another bug of Advanced User Tagging,member when select Font colors and Font sizes on reply Mention Not Work,how to fix this issue? without Font colors and Font sizes Mention Work ! Example : @Nirjonadda Example: @Nirjonadda
  3. J

    Question Members choice?

    can members of my forum choice where to show gif items? or chice where their gif items show. some don't want them to show in postbit and others do. Thanks in advance