
  1. Ambient Vibe

    Question Icons not showing up?

    I've checked and re-checked to make sure that all the files from the uploaded folder were uploaded - and the shop installed without a hitch. However, there seems to be an issue with showing any icons for new/custom items - so far all I get is broken images (red 'x' in the box), so I'm not sure...
  2. jhj8864

    Question Increasing Field Size for Larger Icons

    See attached screenshot. I want bigger icon images for 'Thanks', 'Likes', etc... at least 26 x 26. Based on the placement of my icons in the 'Above Signature' section, where can I extend the height of that field so that the larger icons are not cut off? I'm sure that's just a simple template or...
  3. Enju

    Question How to change item icons?

    Hey, I'm wondering how to add more icons to this list, and how do I change/delete them? Thanks.
  4. Jj Michael Smith

    Question Change wording color

    First we have a black forum for a background and I want to be able to change the word achievement that hovers over the achievement icons. It shows its in the legend, but we can't seem to find it in the CSS. Any ideas?
  5. CoZmicShReddeR

    Legacy Need to dress it up a little bit! Hard to figure out or see on my site!

    I made a example of an idea for now or later thought it would help with people logging in from other locations using themes/Styles where the default styling might make it impossible to see the code box. I was thinking with some icons I made the example above... Maybe have a few different...
  6. P

    Question Does this mod not work with Extended Reputation mod?

    I noticed that when I installed the awards mod that the previous extended reputation mod didn't work. Not sure if it was a coincidence or something else. Here is the mod I was using... Extended Reputation Display - Page 15 - vBulletin.org Forum
  7. madmaxmangos

    Github Commits Tracking

    Hey, With a many developers now using github it would be nice to have a vBulletin mod that is able to use the .atom (rss) files and display the latest commits to a github repository and load them into a single page. Currently my old site uses a simple HTML page to display these: getMaNGOS -...
  8. Ozzy47

    FireFox and DBTech

    I use FireFox almost exclusively, and lately have noticed that when browsing DBTech, that it crashes the browser, has anyone else run into this? It only happens while browsing threads on this site. I want to say it started shortly after the social media icons were added to the bottom of the...
  9. T

    Question Refund

    How do I go about getting a refund for this product? All it's done since install is cause me problems, skins not displaying correctly, issues with tabs not displaying, sublinks missing, social page icons going missing. Just totally fed up of trying to correct things, I am un-installing this...
  10. S

    Not working on a mobile

    Hi I have downloaded the lite version as a replacement for the boring old Vbulletin default album I have installed it just fine and it works on my desktop theme just fine but displays a blank page if i view it on a mobile I use Themeforest Vbulletin Metro for my desktop theme and all is good I...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug Navigation Problem

    ChitChat vBulletin Skin, I have some issue with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs , Navbar is broken. Also does not show Social Media Icons, Please can i get fix update about on this issue? With vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: Without vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: This issue conflict with vBNavTabs - Navbar...
  12. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  13. P

    Question Merging thanks/like/dislike with signature area?

    It looks like here at the forums, the like/dislike/thanks has been added to the signature area? That has a much more cohesive look to it. Can someone help me figure out how to do that for my forums? I would rather not have the signature box follow the post box as it is now. I just am clueless...
  14. F

    Legacy "More From This User" Limit

    Can I set "More From This User" Limit to zero? When I put "0" in the box and save it reverts to 1.
  15. cubs

    member icons

    Does Dragon Byte have any glowing or cool member,admin,supermod,vip,sponsor,icons that go under there name on there board
  16. benowns

    Question Images are "Scunched"

    Hello, In my shop the images overlap each other. How can i change this so it shows the items FULL image? Thank you.
  17. J

    Bug Embedded URL to image location error

    Seem to have an issue whereby the stock images are not showing. On investigating seems the mod is pulling the domain name for the URL of images but doesn't take into account if the forum could be hosted in a sub directory like ours /forums/ So the embedded URL is coming up as ...
  18. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  19. cubs

    Want to change the forum icon folder

    On the skin there is to the left a folder that is ugly I want to add a different icon to each forum to match what the forum resembles like sports forum next to the forum a groupf of baks,basket ball,softball.foot ball,soccerball. Ok how do I change that icon and put the imgae I want in...
  20. XGC Paravain

    Question Awards Question

    I was just wondering if it was possible to set awards up with the levels of activity and use the call of duty prestige icons Example: level 1. The first prestige icon from Cod 4 Level 2. The second prestige icon and on up to Ghost If this can't be done Can you earn awards for...