
  1. Ryan Persad

    Question Moved forum to Folder Need Redirect Help

    Good day, I placed my live forum into a folder /forum i would like to know how to redirect all the existing links that google has indexed to be redirected to the links with the new forum location eg. https://www.somesite.com/forum/egofcategory Also all sections and threads, to be directed to...
  2. T

    Question "forum" and "home" button problem

    i just installed dragonbyte seo lite 1.3.3 on mny vb 4.1 forum. My cms was on /forum/content and the forum was on /forum After installing dbSEO my cms is on /forum and my forum is gone. the "home" button is redirecting to /forum and no longer to /forum/content and the "forum" button is...