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Legacy Threads Auto Close 1.0.0

Change log

General Settings
  • Option to toggle plugin on or off.
  • Option to remove the DBT branding, if you purchased a branding free key for the product.
  • Option to remove the Hivelocity from footer.
  • Option to hide the version number in the footer.
  • Option to close thread after X days.
  • Option to close sticky threads or not.
  • Forum selector to choose which forums to auto close threads in.
  • Setting to close threads after X replies if so desired, overrides the close thread after X days setting.
  • Usergroup setting to select which usergoups will see the threads as closed.
  • Forum selector to choose which forums the threads do not auto close on, if you choose All Forums in the other setting.
  • Option to include sub forums if the parent forum is selected.
  • Option to enter forum id's of threads you want excluded from auto closing if it is in a forum you have threads auto closing.
  • Option to enter the id's of the users you want to see the threads as closed if they are in a forum you have threads auto closing. Useful if you only want certain users to see threads closed instead of usergroups.
  • Option to add a "Closed" prefix on forumdisplay to the thread title if the thread is closed via this mod.