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Legacy DragonByte Forum Tabs 1.0.2

Change log

Feature: Subforums can be added or removed via a button on the Forum Home page.
Feature: When adding or editing a forum in the AdminCP you can now add the forum automatically to a users favourites list on their next visit to the site.
Feature: Standard vBulletin notices can now be assigned only to appear on a tab and will then appear only below the tabs.
Feature: Option to not display the Category Tabs.
Feature: Tab clicking flood check
Feature: vBShout integration with Category Tabs.
Feature: vBulletin notices can be displayed tabs and are loaded with the AJAX refresh.
Fixed: Wrong bburl variable in several templates.
Fixed: Issue with margin in Opera.
Fixed: Issue where reload image wouldn't move to the currently selected tab.
Fixed: An issue where on uninstall two fields would be missed from the user table.
Fixed: A slight delay on the unidle refreshing.
Fixed: Vertical alignment issue in some styles for subforums on the Forum Home.
Fixed: When Forum Tabs is disabled via it's Settings (Enable DragonByte Forum Tabs) it correctly disables the tabs display.
Improvement: Decreased loading time and resources of AJAX loading of tabs (Thanks to Fillip H.).