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  1. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Thanks!! Switched to filecache and all is good!
  2. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Checked error logs and saw this Wed Sep 16 18:21:20 2015] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_clear_cache() in /var/www/html/dbtech/vboptimise/includes/operators/apc.php on line 45, referer: Slava Voynov SUPERTHREAD - Page 219 [Wed Sep 16 18:21:22...
  3. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    This error happens as soon as I hit like
  4. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    9/6/15 2:58:32.372 PM[75]: LOCKDOWN_V2_BONJOUR_SERVICE_NAME is _apple-mobdev2._tcp,949f0815 9/6/15 2:58:32.374 PM[75]: _SendAttachNotification Device 8c:58:77:a4:39:bd@fe80::8e58:77ff:fea4:39bd._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local. has already appeared on interface 4...
  5. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Sep 6 14:44:38 Michaels-iMac kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff805185ca50) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff805185ca50, region 0x7fff8e400000->0x7fff8e600000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits. Sep 6...
  6. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Can you tell me what file to look for for the error log. I have root access so I can probably see it. Thanks!!
  7. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Anyone? I tried re-installing and it still doesn't work.
  8. rinkrat

    Bug "Like" not working.

    Just upgraded to VB4.2.3 and suddenly the like button seems to do nothing when pressed in both Chrome and Firefox on all skins. If I press a second time it says You don't have permission to undo a button click. Any idea how I can get it to work again? Thanks!
  9. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    OK done. Still broken. Login info sent and all other mods turned off. Please have a look before the natives get restless without their vBookie! THANKS for helping figure this out.
  10. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    OK. I'm trying to figure out how to make a default style. :)
  11. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    Can I give you my login info and you can maybe have a look when you get a minute?
  12. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    The link is [code][//code] but I get forum.php
  13. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    Just purchased and installed this for the first time. When seeing new thanks in the notifications and then clicking on them, you are taken to forum.php instead of the list of likes and thanks. Is there a way to change this? Thanks for the great products!