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  1. jluerken

    Bug Using a post template will insert HTML code and make the template system unuseable

    That's really bad news. Can you give a hint where do you think the problem is so that I can take a look myself?
  2. jluerken

    Bug Using a post template will insert HTML code and make the template system unuseable

    Hi Fillip H., we just bought the brand free option of this addon because we really wanna use it. Is there a way that you can check this on our site? There must be something causing this so "it cannot be fixed" cannot be the answer ;)
  3. jluerken

    Bug Using a post template will insert HTML code and make the template system unuseable

    Hi Developers, adding and editing a post template works like it should but as soon as I want to use it it is full of HTML code. I've checked your forum and have seen that I am not the only one with this issue. I tried the solutions in the other tickets but that does not work for me. I removed...
  4. jluerken

    Bug Code showing up

    I removed /clientscript/ckeplugins/PostTemplates/plugin.js and uploaded plugin.alt.js as plugin.js but still I see HTML code in the template :-( Also disabled plugin "Integrate Into vB Editor" - "editor_toolbar_end" but no chance. How can I get rid of the HTML code? vBulletin 4.2
  5. jluerken

    Question Buy the brand free option

    Yes, now it can be added to the cart. We should get it for free now for telling you or? ;-) *hehe* Thanks for fixing!
  6. jluerken

    Question Buy the brand free option

    Hi Dragonbyte, we would like to use the Post Templates system on our vb 4.2.x as brand free version. We've tried to buy it here but it is not possible to add the "brand free addon" to the shopping cart. We've tried...