Recent content by viper357

  1. viper357

    Question Xenforo Mail

    Just received an email from the mail I sent out last night to all of my members, it looked like this...
  2. viper357

    Question Xenforo Mail

    Found this server error Server Error Log Error Info Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to failed: AUTH failed - library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php:431 Generated By: viper357, 8 minutes ago Stack Trace #0...
  3. viper357

    Question Xenforo Mail

    Hi, emails are not being sent out when using the Mailing list feature, I have run tests and emails are being sent out fine from my forum, I am using SMTP credentials from Amazon SES, I have manually entered the credentials into the Mailing List config but still no emails are being sent out. Thanks.
  4. viper357

    Bug vbquiz fatal error

    I have commented out the following lines in quizresults.php which seems to have resolved the issue, hopefully. 72 to 75 386 to 393 406 and 407
  5. viper357

    Bug vbquiz fatal error

    Hi, I have created a test quiz with two questions, when testing it and clicking the "mark completed" button I get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_facebookenabled() in /home/*******/public_html/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 387
  6. viper357

    Bug Paragraphs merging into one line.

    Yes, but nevermind, I've uninstalled it.
  7. viper357

    Bug Paragraphs merging into one line.

    Please see here for further info, posts are losing their formatting and members are also unable to edit posts Problem with posting If I disable dbseo and delete the lines from htaccess then everything works fine.
  8. viper357

    Bug Paragraphs merging into one line.

    Hi, I have an issue that only occurs when the dbseo mod is activated. Some users complain of paragraphs being merged into one line when they submit their posts. I previously disabled the mod due to this but have since updated it and tried again. It happened to me on a couple of occasions...
  9. viper357

    Question vb4 upgrade

    Great, thank you. :)
  10. viper357

    Question vb4 upgrade

    Hi guys I'm currently running dbseo on 3.8.5, contemplating an upgrade to vb4 in the next week or two. With regards to dbseo, what is the best way to move from vb3 to vb4? Should I simply uninstall dbseo, upgrade the forum to vb4 then reinstall dbseo? I'm a bit worried about all the settings...
  11. viper357

    Bug Database Error with new update

    Thank you, the XML imported properly after doing that.:)
  12. viper357

    Bug Database Error with new update

    I get the following database error when importing the XML file... Database error in vBulletin 3.8.5: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_usertag_settings` (`userid`) SELECT `userid` FROM `user`; MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' Error Number : 1062 Request Date ...
  13. viper357

    Bug Database Errors with new update

    Hi, just updated to 3.1.4 lite and it caused database errors when clicking on any thread. I had to go back to 3.1.3 to get my forum running again. Some of the DB errors
  14. viper357

    Bug Database Errors with new update

    I was running 1.0.11, upgraded to 1.0.14 and received a database error when clicking on any thread, I had to go back to 1.0.11 for my forum to work again. Database error in vBulletin 3.8.5: Invalid SQL: SELECT IF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted, NOT...
  15. viper357

    Bug Page not found

    That gave me a clue. The sub-forum that the thread is in is called "General Images" and the word "general" is a stopword in dbseo, so it was removing it from the thread title resulting in it being "images" instead of "general images" in the thread title, I've removed the word "general" from the...