Recent content by SneakyDave

  1. SneakyDave

    Bug BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post.

    Well, that's not really an option. It's not a big deal at the moment. When I have some free time, I'll run it through my dev box and try to see what it's choking on. Thanks Ryan
  2. SneakyDave

    Bug BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post.

    It doesn't output an error on the page. It's xenforo, it generates a server error in the server error log. I don't see how seeing it on a page would be any different than copying and pasting it from the server log. I do know the error shows up in the log Everytime that thread is viewed by any...
  3. SneakyDave

    Bug BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post.

    It's been happening for a few versions. I'm currently running the xf version of credits labeled 4.0.0 (no beta designation)
  4. SneakyDave

    Bug BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post.

    ok, I guess I'll try to answer this again, I don't know why deleting a double post deletes both, but whatever. This error occurs on viewing certain threads. For instance, the error happens viewing this thread: who i am | But it doesn't happen when this thread is viewed, same...
  5. SneakyDave

    Bug Still a fatal error in XenForo with credits

    I sent a ticket about this a while ago, but I didn't get a response, this error is sti happening on my site when viewing certain threads. I have hundreds of these errors in my logs. Exception: BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post. This should not happen. Turn on debug...
  6. SneakyDave

    Bug BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE tag to post.

    Don't think the skin has anything to do with this, but is there something from this error message I can do to see if I can reproduce the problem. This appears to be dealing with a thread that was generated by an unregistered visitor. Exception: BB code to string error:Problem matching CHARGE...