Recent content by Scratched

  1. S

    Question Change Product Icon

    Also, where is the option to add tags to the product? I don't see any configuration for that when editing the product.
  2. S

    Question Change Product Icon

    Anyway, while this ticket is open, how can I make the "Pricing information" show under the product? For me, I have to toggle my sidebar in order for it to show on mobile. On your version however, you don't need to do that.
  3. S

    Question Change Product Icon

    To anyone reading this in the future, just go to your store product, click on it. Then, press on the three dots above it. You will have an option to "Edit product icon". Pretty weird having it there though, instead of when you actually create the product...
  4. S

    Question Change Product Icon

    Hi, How can I change the gear icon when creating a product? Thanks.
  5. S

    Pending Expiring Serial Keys

    @DragonByte Technologies @Fillip H. since you are clearly not willing to add it, I will just pay someone else for the custom work. Unless you can do it too, which I would prefer.
  6. S

    Pending Expiring Serial Keys

    Bump, please add this.
  7. S

    Pending Expiring Serial Keys

    @DragonByte Technologies @Fillip H. how much money do you want for this to be implemented soon? Needless to say, this should've already been added, it only makes logical sense.
  8. S

    Pending Expiring Serial Keys

    I have found some other issues. 1) Why is there even a "Product variation" on serial key products? It's not like you have the option to do anything with it. If you're going to have "product variation" on serial keys, then there must be some sort of "variation", no? For example, giving a user...
  9. S

    Implemented Bulk Coupons

    Ok, but I hope you can add it. Someone did a similar add-on here:
  10. S

    Implemented Bulk Coupons

    Hi, Could you add an option to add coupons in bulk, instead of having to add one at a time? It is a self-explanatory feature, and I think it should be added, without needing to create a public vote/request thread for it. Thank you.
  11. S

    Pending Expiring Serial Keys

    I created a thread here before, asking whether or not it were possible to create serial keys with an expiration date; Unfortunately, this has not been implemented yet, and it would be a great...
  12. S

    Question Why is it not possible to create an expiry date for serial keys?

    In the addon Dragonbyte eCommerce addon, all serial key products have the duration of "lifetime", and you can't change it. It is pretty annoying, and should be changed. Many serial keys do expire.