Recent content by RvG

  1. RvG

    vBQuiz Suggestions

    I need the feature that when a user have passed the quiz is to move them on another usergroup. Hope this will be available.
  2. RvG

    vBQuiz Suggestions

    I came here just to request the speedability of coding the vBQuiz. Please book me a pro copy once it is done.
  3. RvG

    Any documentations how to use the new vBCredits?

    I was alittle bit confused still to set it up. Right now I have configured some points on action manager and went to scheduled tasks already but still it didn't worked yet. :confused: Anyone?
  4. RvG


    yap i was wondrin' when you will release vBC 3.8 version? :)
  5. RvG


    Another prospect customer on board... Hello Dark, good to see you here. :rolleyes: