Recent content by OneManArmy

  1. OneManArmy

    Question VbDonate Lifetime

    Do i have to download it again when you did youre "thing" ?
  2. OneManArmy

    Question VbDonate Lifetime

    Hi, The import was succesfull but the "Countdown Date" shows me not more entries then December 2017. Restarted apache and mysql 2b sure.
  3. OneManArmy

    Question VbDonate Lifetime

    Hi, in the past i bought Vbdonate year by year. now i purchased the lifetime version but in the admin CP it still shows in the pulldown December 2017 (nothing in the future to select) What ive done is: - payed (ofcourse :) ) - Downloaded the [DBTech] vBDonate v1.4.9...
  4. OneManArmy

    Question New userGroup cannot Like/Thank

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. pfffffffffffffffffff... never looked there. Thanks!
  5. OneManArmy

    Question New userGroup cannot Like/Thank

    Hi, i have added a new usergroep but that usergroup cannot use the Thank/Like option. all other usergroups can and i dont know how to solve it.
  6. OneManArmy

    Question vbDonate PRO 1.4.8 update

    ok, i fix a payment with my account and download the pro version again. that will work i hope?
  7. OneManArmy

    Question vbDonate PRO 1.4.8 update

    Hi, i want to update to version 1.4.8. we are running Pro version but i can only select the Lite version to download. i am not the one who purchased the Pro version a few years back. Who to continue now?