Recent content by Nova99

  1. N

    Legacy Option to turn off all rel="nofollow" on internal links in DBSEO

    Hi It would be great to have an option to turn of rel="nofollow" on all internal pages on DBSEO. Internal rel="nofollow" doesn't really help SEO much today, and it can also hurt SEO in some cases. Using the robots meta tag with noindex on pages you don't want indexed is considered the best...
  2. N

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags not working properly in threads and forums

    Was able to add it manually by using $threadinfo[dbtech_dbseo_description] in the meta descriptions for threads and forums in headinclude, so it's sort of working now.. :)
  3. N

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags not working properly in threads and forums

    Tested on the default skin style now, and no luck there either.... It's strange that it's working fine in the member profiles, but not on the other pages.
  4. N

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags not working properly in threads and forums

    My template has been modified quite a lot, so it's possible that it may be missing a hook or some template code used by DBSeo to replace keywords and descriptions??
  5. N

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags not working properly in threads and forums

    Both actually. :) It's only using the default values from vbulletin, nothing happens with the description and keywords at all, even if I manually edit the thread and adds a custom description and keywords for that thread. But when I edit the thread, under Meta Description and kewords there are...
  6. N

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags not working properly in threads and forums

    Hi I have just installed the latest DBSeo mod on my vbulletin 3.8.7 (imported VBSEO settings) and everything seems to be working fine, except the Dynamic Meta Tags in forums and threads. It doesn't change the keywords or the description in any pages, the default is just displayed everywhere...