Recent content by MartinG

  1. M

    Bug Error after upgrading to DBSEO 2.0.43

    Confirmed 👍 Thanks for the quick fix!
  2. M

    Bug Error after upgrading to DBSEO 2.0.43

    I'm sorry it's me again 😉 After upgrading to DBSEO 2.0.43 I get these error messages in forum.php: syntax error, unexpected ')' on line 7 in /path/to/my/vbsite/includes/class_core.php(4686) : eval()'d code #0 /path/to/my/vbsite/includes/class_core.php(4658): vB_Template->render_output(false) #1...
  3. M

    Question DBSEO CP shows no information about cache

    With some additional work from my host it's running now. Can be closed :)
  4. M

    Bug Deprecated breadcrumbs

    I don't want to nag - but will there be an official solution?
  5. M

    Question DBSEO CP shows no information about cache

    My host told me that memcache is not supported anymore, so I was trying to switch to Redis. The Redis server is up and running on port 6379 at localhost, I can connect to it via shell. But when I activate Redis in config.php, I get the error message: Fatal error: Redis not installed in...
  6. M

    Question DBSEO CP shows no information about cache

    I am successfully confused now :LOL:. I know that there is/was a PHP Module called Memcached which can be confused with the Memcache Daemon which is often called Memcached as well. This is the Daemon running on my server: So, is this the wrong or the right one?
  7. M

    Question DBSEO CP shows no information about cache

    As said in the title and shown in the screenshot below, the DBSEO CP shows no information about "Cache Status" or "Cache Type". I am using Memcache with vBulletin and I expected to see this here. Is this something to worry about?
  8. M

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    I knew that and I didn't feel well, though I had made some custom modifications to run vbSEO a little more secure. Anyway, I made the switch and anything works. Looking back, it was super easy and I should have done it way earlier :)
  9. M

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    I've been searching the whole day if there is a setting like that, but I couldn't find it...unbelievable 😂 I changed this to "No" and it did half the job, but I still got "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS " when trying to load the index.php from WordPress. I than added "index\.php" to the second line of...
  10. M

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    I still have no solution, but a few new discoveries. It seems that DBSEO always redirects the forum homepage to index.php While searching for possible solutions I put a copy of forum.php with a different name on the server and it worked fine. I set it as forumhome in the vBulletin Settings and...
  11. M

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    Thx for your reply. Yes. If I do that, WordPress takes the "lead". Which means that WordPress works fine, but every call get's redirected - even forum.php redirects me to the WordPress start page. I have another idea: When I use the original index.php from vBulletin, the forum works fine and...
  12. M

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    Hello there! As I am not ready yet to switch from vBulletin to XenForo but have to move forward with PHP, I decided to switch from vbSEO to DBSEO. I run vBulletin and WordPress side by side which works fine. But when I switch from vbSEO to DBSEO, I get the error "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"...