Recent content by madkeen

  1. M

    Legacy Classifieds not showing in Memebr control panel

    Hi Had already looked there but can not see anything. Maybe it is my template. Could you give me a screen shot of where it should be? Have people asking how, where, etc and I can not find it Thanks
  2. M

    Legacy Classifieds not showing in Memebr control panel

    Where would My Listings be? All i see in member control panel at the bottom left is DragonByte Classifieds Settings My Classifieds Addresses Postage Payment Processors Setup
  3. M

    Legacy Classifieds not showing in Memebr control panel

    Hi Have installed the classifieds and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks for a great product. Only thing I can not get to work properly is Viewing my classifieds in Member control panel. I go into Member Control Panel and then click on My Classifieds, but I get a blank section where...
  4. M

    Bug Installed but can't find settings

    fixed it, added the code
  5. M

    Bug Installed but can't find settings

    No, that is the part I am missing. Can not adjust the settings. Where abouts is it situated, what drop downs is it usually in between? Do you have a screen shot? Thanks
  6. M

    Bug Installed but can't find settings

    Have installed the pro version and branding free but can not find the Manage Buttons link 4. Configure your Usergroup settings by clicking "Manage Buttons" under "DBTech - Post Thanks" in your AdminCP navigation menu, then editing each button and setting your usergroup permissions from there...