Recent content by Iillminetor

  1. I

    Bug No clicks on the posts !!!

    Yeah it's and i found a bug, When i edit the usergroups, Its dont save.
  2. I

    Bug No clicks on the posts !!!

    I did it guys, And same problem :(
  3. I

    Bug No clicks on the posts !!!

    :rolleyes::RpS_mad: No answer?
  4. I

    Bug No clicks on the posts !!!

    Hello, I've downloaded & Installed This product. Everything uploaded. Everything is fine on admincp/usercp. But i can't like/dislike in any posts because no icons !!
  5. I

    Bug Problem with Moods

    Thanks for fixing it, Works fine :)
  6. I

    Question How to remove "BLOGS" tab

    Hello, How can i remove "BLOGS" Tab?
  7. I

    Bug Problem with Moods

    I can't choose a category. You can check it if you need ID : DBTetch Pass : 12345
  8. I

    Bug Problem with Moods

    I've a problem with choosing the category