Recent content by dandanthedan

  1. dandanthedan

    Question How can i download the lite version of vBNotifications?

    Its not in the Lite/Free mods downloads list, is there a free version for this? i would love to have this feature..thanks
  2. dandanthedan

    [SUGGESTION]Merge Thread and Post Bookmarks in one page

    it would also be really awesome if the Bookmarks can be placed on the sidebar..dont you think? gives boost to the whole point of this plugin..
  3. dandanthedan

    [SUGGESTION]Merge Thread and Post Bookmarks in one page

    thank you so much Fillip H...^_^
  4. dandanthedan

    [SUGGESTION]Merge Thread and Post Bookmarks in one page

    Suggestion: can you just merge the Thread and Post Bookmarks in the usercp in one page so there will just be BOOKMARKS, and under it are thread bookmarks and post bookmarks..and maybe add dates? well if its not too much to ask..^_^
  5. dandanthedan

    [REQUEST] Thread Bookmarking Feature

    yah..everyone could use this...i really hope they find a lil bit of time off for this...fingers crossedX...^_^
  6. dandanthedan

    [REQUEST] Thread Bookmarking Feature

    nice that you've discussed this already! then ill be waiting for this mod..though i know it would be sooner..^^
  7. dandanthedan

    [SUGGESTION] Open a "Snippets Section"

    It would be really nice if you opened something like "Snippets Section" They would be niftly little mods that improve the functionality of built-in vbulletin features.. Say usergroups, or specifically public-joinable usergroups. It would be nice if, using ajax, users can click and select...
  8. dandanthedan

    [REQUEST] Thread Bookmarking Feature

    [SUGGESTION] Thread Bookmarking Feature Ive got an idea for a new mod.. Ever found useful or interesting threads but forgot the name of it or cant seem to find it on the next time you search for it? Much more like bookmarking websites in your browser, users can "Bookmark a Thread" and it will...
  9. dandanthedan

    Manual give or take of points in AdminCP

    oh ok...but im using ucash..i wish they would implement something like that...
  10. dandanthedan

    Fatal Error when purchasing

    where can i find this code? EDIT: FOUND IT!! and its fixed!! thanks for this quick fix!
  11. dandanthedan

    Fatal Error when purchasing

    Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/mysite/public_html/forums/dbtech/vbshop/items/intpermission.php on line 70 That is what i get when i purchase signature permissions using the Usergroup Permissions (values) see, i want to have these in my shop: - Enable Signature - 3...
  12. dandanthedan

    Manual give or take of points in AdminCP

    is there a way to manually give or take points in the AdminCP? it would be very useful when you have contests and the prizes are points giveaways.. and also requests that costs points.. btw, im using ucash for my points system.. i would really appreaciate it if someone could answer..thanks..^_^
  13. dandanthedan

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like v1.0 Released!

    wow, this is what ive been looking for but ive got a few suggestions, why dont u place the "thank for this post"---"like this post"---"dislike this post" as buttons beside "report post" icon..just like the "post thank you hack"..and hides the whole "Post Thanks/Like" before someone thanked or...
  14. dandanthedan

    Triple Triad Beta on DBT

    so how do i select for it not to be random?
  15. dandanthedan

    Triple Triad Beta on DBT

    @ Deceptor; Lol! taht was my game, i have some good cards from Medium AI and just tried the Hard AI, but it went directly to the battle, it didnt let me choose my cards, thats why those level 1 cards were the ones played...