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Hi there, we have been using the wording Donate for many yes, the wording contribute is not very well known in online communities, especially for my gaming niche.
Could you please have an option in admincp for users to be able to rename and replace the word contribute back to Donate?

The reason I am asking this is, not all the times users feel comfortable when the word contribute is used, the wording Donate at times is a better wording for the type of niche we run.

I understand I could do this manually, but it would be nice to have an automated option to change the stuff.
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Unfortunately I don't think that would not be possible, as the word Contribute is used in many places, and in many different variations.
It feels a bit new because most phpnuke plugins and prior vBulletin plugins always used this trend, just a bit weird changing the trend name.
But I suppose I could always do this manually, it would be a pain because each time I'd have to upgrade the version I'd have to keep changing the wording.
It was a executive decision to change from donate to contribute due to PayPal's rules about accepting donations.
Lol but they will not shut their own account down, but they can yours.

You can always use the Replacement Variable Manager to change all instances of contribute to donate, contributing to donating etc, and that should be safe from upgrades as well. :p
It was changed because of a spate of PayPal rulings on people taking donations or using donate buttons who were not registered charities - essentially PayPal's rules state to ask for a donation you have to be a charitable organisation. Since this isn't the case with 99% of our customers we felt protecting them off the bat by not using the donate system on paypal and by avoiding use of the word was the right decision to make.

Hope that clears up the reasoning behind the decision somewhat!

Will there be a charge from Paypal to either party for using the word "contribution"?? Or will they deem that as a subscription..What about "Gift" is that classed as donation?
They do not charge you for using a word, they will of course charge you any fees the normally charge for any payment received.
It was changed because of a spate of PayPal rulings on people taking donations or using donate buttons who were not registered charities - essentially PayPal's rules state to ask for a donation you have to be a charitable organisation. Since this isn't the case with 99% of our customers we felt protecting them off the bat by not using the donate system on paypal and by avoiding use of the word was the right decision to make.

Hope that clears up the reasoning behind the decision somewhat!


It makes no sense to keep the name vBDonate instead of vBContribute at this point.
Why not change this to vBPayments?

Cosmic, you have a point there, but then again you also have to take a look on the other point of view if certain users are using the mod for Donations instead of contributions.

It's a business decision and it's fair, but then again if we are going to be fair why not offer both options so users that "Do" want to use the option Donation, should be allowed this.
This modification has many things in there where users can define what they want in admincp, but I don't think it will do any harm if you give users the option in admincp to select Donate or Contribute if you define both terms in admincp

Users are not doing this as a crime because unless you are registered business to receive donations and having the donation fees waived then this should not matter.

Again, I am not here to beat down on the mod, I am here to make the mod better and make it work for everyone.

Ozzy47 if you could guide me through on how I can make the changes for the mod to use Donate instead of Contribute it would be great through the replacement variable.
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Only problem I see with the Replacement Variable Manager is it will search for all contribute and replace it with donate, and the output text (donate) is case sensitive, meaning if the word contribute is in the middle of a sentence, and you replaced contribute with Donate it will show the capitol letter.
Only problem I see with the Replacement Variable Manager is it will search for all contribute and replace it with donate, and the output text (donate) is case sensitive, meaning if the word contribute is in the middle of a sentence, and you replaced contribute with Donate it will show the capitol letter.

Argh, this is upsetting, oh well..
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