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I have the welcome event setup and it worked just fine until I required users to verify their email address when registering. Now, they get 100 points 2 times (when they register and when they click the email link). I understand they are in 2 different usergroups (Awaiting verification and registered users). In my settings for the welcome event I have the "Registered Users" group selected as the only group to earn this welcome event. Under >Admin > Usergroup manager > Users awaiting verification I also set that group to not be allowed to earn VB Credits.

It seems that when they register no points show up in transactions until they actually click the link in the email. Once they click the link, both events show up. The interesting thing is that the times are different (the first transaction shows up about the time of registration, the second shows up at the time of clicking the link). Attached screen shows the time difference on two exampleswelcome reg bug.png.

Am I missing something easy here or is this a potential bug?
Did those users change their email addresses? This was actually recently reported in the pro support forum with prtty much the same story, and ive yet to find the cause - i might merge the two here.
I have tested multiple times, and in the tests never changed the email addy's so the error occurs without the change in address for sure.
Thanks - I am working with the pro version of this bug report and will update the thread here when I have a resolution or have a question, thanks.
No problem, for now we just have a check in the database to not allow the event to occur twice. I do not see why it is getting in there 2 times after tons of testing, but if we come across the answer I will let you know.
Thanks for your patience, I am wrapping this up with the pro users but wanted to make sure you would be covered as well before issuing patches or instructions.

Are you able to consistently reproduce the issue? Can you post a screenshot of your welcome event(s) (expanded with advanced options too) Thanks!
I'm posting this screenshot for Annomate Dave. It's an admin shot showing how some of our members get credited twice for the Welcome activity. Seems like the second credit occurs seconds after the first.

Inside credits_core.php I added some debugging. The 'commit' function ran this mysql insert:

INSERT INTO credits_transaction (eventid, actionid, userid, timestamp, amount, status, referenceid, forumid, ownerid, multiplier, currencyid, negate, message) VALUES (13, 'induction', 6462, 1313617969, 100, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ''), (13, 'induction', 6462, 1313617906, 100, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '')

The 2 items inserted are identical except from the timestamp, thus resulting in double Welcome's being credited.
Darkwaltz4 will look into this soon, he is debugging the arcade beta right now.
Thanks; I already know where its doing it, but trying to figure out why its happening twice for only some people (and would you believe im dealing with sites that get it never??)
appleballs, can you do me a favor?

first, is there anything unifying about adamsothermother, lawrence, and yngwie that the others in your screnshot dont share?
second, if you think you can figure out a way to reproduce it consistently, can you send me ftp and admin login? thanks...
Sorry for the late reply.

When I looked at this earlier I couldn't come up with anything unifying those who got double credits. It just seeded random. I will take another look at it let you know what I find.
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