vBulletin 4.2.2 > XenForo X.X, Credits/Shop Comparisons and Questions

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Hello again.

As you already know, we have lifetime licenses for vBShop and vBCredits II Deluxe for vBulletin 4. I've written in to you in the past to request assistance or suggest changes for the products that we use. Mostly, we've been told in response that our requests aren't possible, which we've taken as a result of the limitations of vBulletin itself.

On top of those questions we've finally gotten to the point where vBulletin 4 has finally managed to irk a large part of the community (the fact we need to use mods just for what should be basic functionality on a board helped).

IPB and XenForo are our two major considerations, but since IPB 4.X was released, there isn't a strong enough economy addon for the roleplaying community (although I am more familiar with IPB than XF), which leaves us with XenForo. This is a high priority move but we're not making any moves until we are certain this is the best way and have set a tentative date of July 2017 for things to ensure any migration and so forth is done.

I've already noted the API support, as I read both different pages for the XenForo versions, and I'm really hoping that you can give me some good news tonight.

1. Can users upload their own images for custom items in their shops?

2. In Dragonbyte Credits can we automate a donation event every thirty days or can we automate a negative interest deduction to a third party every thirty days?

3. Is it possible for the configuration event of an item to trigger a new thread being created with the contents of those fields?

Now my final question is one I asked about for vB4's version: is there currently a feature to allow, or one planned in the roadmap, to allow one user to own multiple shops?

Thank you in advance,

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None of those things are currently possible in the XenForo versions either, sorry.

When I said it wasn't currently possible in the vBulletin versions, that does not mean to say that it is impossible to add the functionality, it means the functionality does not exist in the products currently.

We always take customer requests into consideration, and as a result we do not create or publish any roadmaps. If 500 of our customers suddenly started requesting a particular feature (500 being a made-up number) then we would put everything else to the side to add this functionality.

For that reason, it would be counter-productive for us to publish a roadmap, as we would have to tell 500 paying customers "sorry, the earliest we can add this functionality is June 2017 because we have planned out the next six months worth of updates to this product and we can't be seen as breaking those promises.

In short, we are an Agile development company (if you're familiar with software development practices) :)
I see. In that case, do you possibly have any recommendations for products that will do what we require? Unfortunately it appears that Shop and Credits do not meet the needs of the community I am responsible for.
I'm not familiar with other Shop or Credits modifications on XenForo so I don't have anything of worth to offer, sorry :(
It doesn't even need to be Xenforo. Xenforo was solely chosen as the board to migrate to because it appeared that DBCredits and Shop had better features on that platform.
I'm not any more familiar with other products for any platform, to be honest, sorry :(
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